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A little over a month after Olivia finally gave Trevor her wedding band and engagement ring back, she went into labor with the twins. Kathy took her to the hospital while Elliot and Maureen stayed with the boys. Olivia was beyond anxious, but wanted to meet her son and daughter.

"Are you nervous?" Kathy asked, as she sat beside Olivia's hospital bed.

"No. I'm ready for this." Olivia replied. She ran her hands over her stomach as she felt her babies shift a bit under her hands. Today was the first day of the rest of her life. When the babies were born, everything would change and she would officially start her new life without Trevor.

"Do you want me to call anyone else? Or are you good with me just being here?" Kathy questioned, and Olivia shrugged a bit.

"I only want you here... but could you at least call Tally for me? Then she can tell the rest of the family and they can come up here and wait if they want."

"I can do that... and Trevor?" Kathy asked softly.

"I can do this without him, Kath. I don't need him and I will never need him again. These four kids are mine and mine alone. I will bring these two into the world without him and raise them without him too." Olivia smiled bravely.

"Good for you, honey. Now, want more ice chips?" Kathy asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks for being here."

"Of course. I'd do anything for you like Elliot would... you are family, even if you don't wanna be."

At noon that day, Olivia had her twins via c-section. Jackson Elliot was born first, and then Ruthie Madison was born last. They were both incredibly healthy and just as amazing as their older brothers. Olivia fell in love with them instantly, which made everything so much easier. It would be a lot for her to do, but Olivia knew that she was meant to be a mother and a detective, and not much more. 

"Okay, you two, we have some things to discuss." Olivia spoke as she snuggled her babies. Jackson and Ruthie were both considerably small for Langan babies, but they were feisty and loud.

"You are going to grow up without a father, but I did, and I turned out okay. I will give you and your brothers all the love you could ever need, along with everything else you might need or want. You two will be incredibly strong humans, and I already know that because you two survived my fall... and everyone thought we were going to lose you. But you fought and I'm so proud of you two... life will be hard, I know it will be. But in the end, everything will end up how it's meant to be. We just have to wait and see what happens." Olivia smiled, before she leaned close and kissed Ruthie and Jackson's foreheads.

She leaned back before looking over at the door and seeing Elliot standing there.

"Can I meet these kids yet?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Of course. Come, hold them so I can get a nap."


Life was hard, but Olivia was used to living a hard life. There were times where she fell short, but her kids didn't hate her for those times. They loved her just as much as she loved them. And as the years went on, all the kinks were worked out and everything went smoothly. They lived an amazing life together as a family of five, while Trevor lived out his own life with Pippa and their children.

"Happy Birthday, sweet babies!" Olivia exclaimed, as she walked into the twins' bedroom.

"It's our birthday?" Ruthie yawned as she sat up slowly and stretched her little arms.

"It is! Today, five years ago, you two came into my life and I couldn't be more thankful!" Olivia grinned as she tucked a short piece behind her ear. She walked over to Ruthie's bed and caressed her curls before looking over and looking to see that Jackson was awake, but not making any progress in getting out of bed.

"Are you two still sleepy?" Olivia asked, and her children nodded.

"Yeah... it's too early, Mama." Jackson yawned loudly.

"Okay, well you two go back to bed. I'm going to get Quintin up, and I'll send him in to wake you up once breakfast is ready."

"Waffles?" Ruthie asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Of course! It wouldn't be a birthday without waffles." Olivia grinned, before kissing her daughter's head before moving and doing the same to her youngest son.


Olivia spent her day celebrating the twins' fifth birthday. By the end of the night, all the kids passed out in their beds and Olivia started to clean up. She was just taking her third bag of trash out to the cans on the curb, when someone pulled into her driveway. She slowly moved towards the vehicle, smiling when she saw Brian Cassidy climbing out of his truck.

"Hey there." Olivia smiled. Brian walked around his truck before hugging Olivia tightly.

"How was today?" Brian asked once they parted. Olivia looked up at him as she smiled largely. Today had been amazing, and she just wished that he could have been there with them.

"It was great. The kids had a ton of fun and now are all passed out in their beds."

"I did bring them each a gift, so hopefully they will be up to opening one last gift in the morning." Brian smiled, before leaning down and kissing Olivia softly.

They went inside and opened a bottle of wine before starting to share it.

"I think it's time." Olivia spoke as she looked over at her boyfriend. She grabbed his hand before intertwining their fingers together.

"To go up to your room? I hope you know that I'm not that type of man, Olivia." Brian teased.

"No, you giant dork. I'm talking about telling the kids about you and having you meet them." Olivia smiled.

"Really?" Brian asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I'm finally with a man that I love and one who loves me. I think that it's time for us to take the next step, especially since I'm happy."

"It's nice to see you happy, babe." Brian breathed.

"It feels amazing to be this happy."

It took her awhile, but eventually Olivia had healed enough to move on completely and actually live life. Today, and every day that had passed since the twins were born, and all the ones that would pass in the future... they just made her stronger. Happier. 

Thanks, guys! This is the last chapter and I hope it helped to tie up some loose ends!

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