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Trevor sat beside his wife and held her hand as she tried to get some rest. Her stomach was still cramping, but she still wasn't bleeding, which was excellent news. Throughout the night, nurses and a doctor came in to check on Olivia and the baby. They kept her on an IV of fluids and gave her a little medicine to help with the cramping.

"Hey." Trevor spoke softly, as he saw his wife open her eyes several hours after she got to the hospital. She gave him a tired smile before using her free hand to rub her eyes.

"Hi." She yawned.

"How are you feeling?" Trevor asked, and Olivia blinked a few times before smiling weakly.

"My stomach doesn't hurt anymore. So I'm feeling better." Olivia replied.

"Good. They said that once they check in on you one last time, we can go home. We will have to stop and get Quinny, but then I think we can just take the day to chill together." Trevor spoke.

"He really needs to go to school, Trevor." Olivia frowned.

"One day won't make a difference. I think we all need to be together right now, because last night was super scary."

"It was..." Olivia breathed, before shifting a bit. She gave her husband some space on the bed, and he moved up and laid beside her. They cuddled for several moments before Olivia spoke again.

"I'm not even into my second trimester yet, and I already love this baby. Thinking about losing him really scared me."

"It scared me too."

"This little bean really has stollen our hearts."


After Olivia was released, they made their way to Elliot's house. Trevor said that he'd just run in and get Quintin, but Olivia assured him that Elliot would want to see her with his own eyes to make sure she really was okay.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Kathy asked, before her husband even got the chance to do it.

"I'm okay. The doctor said it's just normal cramping. I didn't know about Quinny until after the intial cramping happened, so they said I probably didn't notice it for what it really was when I was pregnant with him." Olivia yawned.

"We all are glad that you and the baby are okay." Kathy spoke, before she hugged Olivia warmly.

"We are too." Olivia spoke. They parted and Kathy took Trevor upstairs while Elliot and Olivia stood in the living room together.

"So, are you really okay?" Elliot asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm really okay. I'm no longer cramping and I haven't bled at all. I'm just tired and worn down. So Trevor convinced me that we need a family day at home." Olivia spoke.

"I have to admit that I cried last night after you and Trevor left." Elliot spoke awkwardly.


"Liv, you are my best friend. All I could think about was you getting depressed again. After Trevor got sick, I watched you go from your happiest to your saddest in a matter of days. I didn't want to witness that again." Elliot frowned. Olivia stepped foward and hugged Elliot tightly.

"I pray that that will never happen again. I love you."

"I love you too." Elliot mumbled, as his wife and Trevor came downstairs.

"He's still really out." Trevor chuckled, as he watched his wife step away from her friend.

"Let's hope he'll sleep for a few hours longer once we get home, because I'm still exhausted."


After the scare that sent Olivia to the hospital, nothing else happened. They kept the pregnancy a secret from Trevor's family until Olivia was officially into her second trimester and had gotten the all clear from Dr. O'Neal.

"I feel like we should make family dinners a regular thing. We don't see each other nearly enough." Tally spoke, as she helped Olivia set the dinning room table in their home. Olivia and Trevor offered to host, but they didn't have nearly enough space for fourteen people to eat comfortably.

"We should. But maybe we should plan it on Friday nights. Because the kids have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, but Matthew insisted on doing it tonight. He said that missed all of his grandchildren."

"More than his actual children?" Olivia chuckled, and Tally smiled.

"He is in his element around the kids. He is meant to be a grandfather."

"He really is a good grandfather. Quintin just loves his Papa." Olivia smiled. She dropped some extra paper napkins in the middle of the table before turning and looking at the woman that truly made her feel apart of their family.

"Liv, are you okay?" Tally asked.

"I'm just happy." Olivia smiled.

"It's nice to see you happy, Olivia. Is it just the fact that Trevor is healthy and Quintin is doing so good?"

"Yeah, and something else... but you all will find out soon."


Dinner was devoured and the kids asked for dessert as soon as the last fork was laid on an empty plate.

"Hey, before we fill you full of sugar, I think it's time we tell you all somthing." Trevor spoke, from where he sat with his arm wrapped around his wife's waist.

"Mama... Daddy... I just want cake!" Quintin whined.

"Well, I want you all to know that there is a baby in my belly. That you, Quinny, are going to be a big brother." Olivia spoke, over the whining of her kid and all of her neices and nephew.

"What?" Tally asked with a big smile.

"Trevor and I are expanding our family. I got the all clear from Dr. O'Neal yesterday." Olivia smiled.

"This is amazing, guys!" Matthew exclaimed, as he thought about having another grandbaby to spoil rotten.

"We think it is." Trevor chuckled, as he rested his cheek against his wife's hair.

After everyone found out about the baby and then went to get cake, Trevor and Olivia pulled Quintin to the side.

"Are you happy, baby?" Olivia asked, as she squatted down in front of her very tall, little boy.

"Mama, will you love me still after the baby is out of your belly?" Quintin asked tearfully.

"Baby, we love you so much! That will never change." Trevor spoke, reassuring his son.


"Really, Quinny. Now, are you excited to become a big brother?" Olivia asked, and Quintin shrugged.

"Only if it's a baby brother... Ayla hit me really hard tonight so I hate girls."

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