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Quintin had yet another rough night, and Olivia made the right call by calling him in the next morning. But after calling her son in, she didn't know what else to do. How she could make this new day easy on her little man.

"Mama?" Quintin asked quietly, as he walked down the hall and into the living room. Olivia hadn't expected her son to be getting up at his usual time and be dressed already.

"Hey, Quinny. What are you doing up?" Olivia asked softly. She had a pile of medical bills sitting in front of her that she had to figure out how to pay.

"I've gotta go to school." He replied.

"No, you don't have to go to school today. I called you in. Mrs. Hummel said she hopes you feel better and can't wait to see you tomorrow." Olivia smiled.

"Mama, I'm tired." Quintin whimpered, and Olivia nodded slowly as she reached out to her son.

"I know you are, love. I know that you are exhausted."

"I can't sleep because I'm scared when I wake up that Daddy won't be here anymore." Quintin croaked out. Olivia stood and quickly moved to her little boy. She knelt down in front of him and held him close as he started to sob. 

This was the most he had shown true and very raw emotion in awhile. He cried a lot, but he didn't talk about his fears openly to his mother.

"Quinny, let me worry about that. You are a growing boy... you need to sleep a lot and eat a lot. You have been doing neither of those things. So why don't I go tuck you into bed and rub your back until you fall asleep. Okay?" Olivia breathed gently, as her own tears soaked into her son's shirt.


"No, Quintin. I think that it's time for me to take care of you. You don't need to be strong all the time, Quinny. Just be a kid today and get some sleep."


While Olivia was at home with Quintin, Trevor was awake and staring at the window he always had his conversations through. The one that he saw his wife through, and his son occasionally.

"Trevor." A soft voice spoke, and Trevor blinked a few times before seeing his mother and father standing there. He still couldn't speak, but he knew that his whiteboard would help him converse with his parents.

"What are you doing here?" He wrote, and Tally smiled softly at her youngest son.

"We just wanted to check in on you. Olivia called and said that Quinny was having a bad day so she's staying with him." Tally replied.

"He's always having a bad day." Trevor wrote back as tears welled in his eyes.

Quintin had been his and Olivia's dream. They had always wanted a baby, and when Quintin came into their lives it changed everything for them. They knew a different kind of love, not only for their baby but also for each other. But they hadn't expected for Trevor's lungs to fail, for their only contact to be when they placed their hands against the window.

"Don't cry, Trevor. You'll be out of here before you know it and will be back with your wife and little boy. Don't give up." Matthew frowned. Trevor nodded slowly before tossing his whiteboard across the room as tears slipped down his cheeks.

He felt like such a horrible father. He hated that Olivia had to be Quintin's mother and father. That she had to deal with everything the boy was experiencing. All of his pain and suffering.

"Baby, just stay positive. If you give up, everyone else will too." Tally breathed, before turning into her husband and holding onto him tightly. 


After Quintin took a long nap and ate a big lunch, before asking to go see his father. Quintin hadn't seen his father since they went to the hospital to celebrate Quintin's birthday. It all happened outside in the hall, but a nurse was nice enough to take Trevor a piece of birthday cake so he could truly celebrate his little man's fifth birthday.

"Are you sure that you are okay?" Olivia asked as she helped her son out of his booster seat. She lifted him up and rested him on her hip before sliding her van door shut.

"I need to see Daddy... I miss him." Quintin breathed. Olivia nodded slowly, as she felt her son rest his head in the crook of her neck.

"I know he misses you too, Quinny. You are his baby and honestly his best friend." Olivia spoke.

"His best friend?" Quintin asked, and Olivia nodded as she walked towards the front of the hospital.

"Yeah, baby. He adores you! When you two used to play catch at night, he couldn't stop talking about how amazing you were at catching and throwing the ball. He said you reminded him a lot of himself. You are just your Daddy's mini-me." Olivia smiled, as she sat her son on his feet by the front door. She went to open the door, but Quintin stopped her.

"Will we be good if Daddy leaves us?" Quintin asked weakly, and Olivia swallowed hard before shrugging.

"I don't know, Quinny. I don't know how everything will be if we lose your Daddy, or if he lives. We will deal with it when it comes." Olivia breathed softly.

"I'm ready now," Quintin spoke bravely.

"Are you-"

"I'm sure, Mama... I need to see Daddy."


Quintin insisted on being alone. So a chair was pushed up to the window, and Quintin stood on it and looked into the room. He looked over at the intercom before pressing the button he saw his mother press many times before. Then he looked back through the window as he spoke quietly.

"Daddy? It's me, Quinny." The little boy spoke weakly. Trevor opened his eyes but didn't move his head so he could see where his son stood.

"Daddy, I'm talking to you. Please look at me! I need to see you look at me, Daddy!" Quintin cried. Trevor hesitantly rolled his head towards the window, before looking at his little boy.

"There. Now, you gotta fight, Daddy. You gotta fight to stay with me and Mama. You need to promise me that you won't leave us."

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