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This story is about yours and vinnies daughter getting bullied at school and how vinnie defends her
Without that being said let's get on with the story:

Your daughters name: Lexi (you can change it if you want its just easier to give the person a name)

Your p.o.v:
I was downstairs in the kitchen fixing my daughters lunch waiting for my daughter to get downstairs to eat breakfast because I was gonna take her to school this morning when she asked if I could do her hair.
End of p.o.v

L: Mommy can you please do my hair. I wanna look nice for my picture today for picture day at school
Y/n: of course honey just hold still
L: mommy are you gonna pick me up today?
Y/n: no homey I'm sorry, but your father will. *just as you said that you heard a knock on your daughters bedroom door*

V: there are my two pretty girls
L: oh hey dad! So are you picking me up from school today?
V: yep, mommys gonna take you and im gonna pick you up :)
L: oh okay! Lexi said and as soon as she finished her sentence you finished her hair
L: thank you momma!
Y/n: no problem my love, now let's  get downstairs to eat breakfast
L: ok!

Skip to you dropping her off

L: k love ya mom!Bye!
Y/n: bye honey ill see you when you get home, have a nice day!

Skipp to the middle of the school day
(Btw you guys where gonna pick her up early because she had a doctor's appointment)

Lexis p.o.v
I was playing in the sand waiting for my name to be called in any minute to go to the office to go home with my dad considering I was going to a doctor's appointment when some 1st grade kids came up to me calling me mean names. (Shes in kindergarten btw) I've been getting bullied for the past two weeks by these kids but haven't said anything cause I was too scared. I always act like I'm happy in front of my parents because I don't want things to get worse.
End of p.o.v

Boy.1: eww look its lexi
Boy.2: eww what are those on your head
Boy.3: hahah she looks ugly
Boy.4: your the ugliest girl I've ever seen
*at this point lexis eyes where watery*
L: st-stop leave me alone!
Boy.2: aww is the crybaby gonna cry and tell her mommy?
Boy.1: hahah I bet your mommy doesn't care
L: n-no that's not tr-true! My mommy loves me very much
Boy.3: cry little crybaby cry!
*this is when they all start throwing sand at lexi*

Meanwhile in the office:
(O/l: office lady)
O/l: why hello Mr hacker how can I help you today?
V: hey, I just came to pick up lexi.
O/l: oh ill call for her to come here right now one sec
V: actually I was wondering if I could go get her. I wanna surprise her haha
O/l: oh I'm sure thats no problem,, just fill in this sticker for visitors pass so you don't get stopped in the halls
V: oh okay thank you
*he begins to fill it in and in less that a minute he finishes*
O/l: ok well the kids should be on the playground
V: oh okay thank you.
*vinnie is walking to the playground*
Back to lexi

L: no! Stop please! Please stop!
*the four boys continue to throw sand at her
(Also her teacher is in the classroom getting some stuff done and theirs no staffs because they where at lunch)
Boy.1: hahaha
*as vinnie walks to the playground he hears kids laughing and thinks nothing of it, that is until he sees that sand is being thrown at his daughter, thats when he loses it*
V: Hey! What are you doing throwing sand at my daughter?!

*at this point the teacher came rushing out to see what was happening and why there was screaming*

Lexi ran to her fathers arms and sobbed against his chest

T: Mr hacker whats going on?
V: the problem ms Williams is that these kids are throwing sand at my daughter
T: Oh dear I'm so sorry Mr hacker, I can assure you that I will have a talk with these students parents. I'm so sorry this happened. I was in the classroom preparing the next lesson for the students when I heard screaming. I truly am sorry
V: I understand but please make sure these things don't keep happening again, its not just for my child's safety but for all the children's safety
T: most certainly
V: lexi how about you go get your bag, we're going home sweetheart
L: o-okay

*vinnie and ms Williams talked about the situation and decided that a parent and teacher conference between all four boys parents plus lexis parents the principal and teachers would be held to help keep the school safe for ALL students*

Just then lexi came back to her dad and they walked to his car without saying a word.

As soon as they got home lexi ran to her room crying because of how sad she was
Y/n: Vinnie what happened? Why is lexi crying?
V: she was getting bullied at school and i walked up to the kids that where throwing SAND at her and scram telling them what they were doing
Y/n: wait what?!
V: its sorted out my love I have to go to a parent and teacher conference with the boys parents and the principal to discuss the situation, don't worry
Y/n: ughhh okay, its just I can't stand her being sad it breaks my heart
V: I know me too, I just wish I could have gotten there earlier to make sure she was okay.
*vinnie says tearing up*
Y/n: its not your fault my love.
V: I know its just, I feel like I failed her
L: but you didn't fail me dad, you saved me
V: r-really?
L: of course you did and im thankful you did, thank you dada
V: no problem my love....

And with that you took her to the doctors and she was doing perfectly, vinnie went to the parent conference and sorted things out and you guys lived life....the end

Tysm for the support with my book I rlly appreciate it 💓
This was more of a vinnie and your kid bond kind of imagine so yeah 🥺💜 don't be afraid to leave requests!!
Also my instagram is @svft.hacker i make edits of vinnie <3

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