How's your chicken wing?

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Ethan's POV:

I unlock the door and walk into the kitchen where all the guys are, I glare into the corner of the kitchen.

J:Oi Eth,  Wake up mate

S:You alright there?

E:Oh sorry, Wasn't paying any attention.

V:Have fun did we?

JJ:Oi you better not have messed up my Lambo seats.

E:Oh god Noooo JJ,  If thats what you think we did, god Jesus lorddddd nooooo.

J:Anyway, Leftover chicken wings anyone, Sit down Eth

Josh seems suspicious of doing something, I give him a funny look and sit down on the stool at the kitchen counter

V:Have a chicken wing Eth


I take a bite out of the chicken wing, JJ bursts out laughing and Simon hits the counter several times with his hand while laughing,  Josh seems to hold it in and Vikk laughs too

E:Josh...What have you done?

J:Nuttinggggg, Hahahahahaha

S:Ethan how's your chicken wing, looks very floor-less, lolololol


I spew chicken all over the table,  I run to the fridge and grab the Orange Juice carton and have a massive mouthful.

E:Ah,  fuck.

I go the the tap and get a glass of water, Then I go and sit back at the kitchen counter.

E:Hey JJ

I take a massive mouthful of water

JJ:Yeah Etha-

Before JJ can finish his words,  I spray water all over him covering his gold chain,  his face,  his neck and his beast hat

JJ:You faggot.

E: *Australian accent* I've been spotted!

He chases me, I jump up out my chair and run round the kitchen counter. Vikk,  Simon and Josh just laugh at us. I turn around and find that Josh had tripped up JJ and he was laying on the kitchen floor


I hit my hand on the counter 3 time while shouting at JJ

J:Wasn't an RKO really but I'll take it Eth hahahaha

JJ just keeps laughing. Laying upright now leaning against the counter,  JJ grabs my foot and pulls me over, I land on my ass and burst out laughing,  Simon stands up and comes over to me


Simon sits on top of me and now Vikk gets up and dolphin dives on top of Simon. Josh casually gets up and walks over to JJ and lays on the kitchen floor next to JJ

S:We are a bunch of dicks.

E:Too right. Ooh,  Becks has text me, Shift your ass Simone

S:Shift your asshole VikkramStar12gay

V:Hey I'll hit ya

J:Dead ard

JJ:In head

Everyone gets off me and I text Becky back.

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