I hope she's okay.

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5 minutes later and Me and Ethan arrive at the hospital. We run to the ward where Becky is being treated, I don't know what her mum looks like, I don't think Ethan does either

E:I haven't seen her mum, I'm not really sure what she looks like.

JJ: I thought you didn't.

We see a woman sitting outside a room with brown long hair and a pale face.

E:Excuse me, are you Becky's mum?

K:Yes Hi, I'm Kelly. Are you okay?

E:Worried is an understatement. Has anything been said about her condition?

K:Not just yet, They had to give her a breathing tube and clean her head up, She's almost coming round.

A doctor walks in, Ethan turns round white as a sheep and looks him straight in the face.

Doctor:Okay,We've stitched Becky's head up where she cut it, she has a oxygen tube but she's awake.

K:Thank you so much, Can we see her?

Doctor:Yes , but not too many people, 3 at a time please.

The doctor walks into a small room down the corridor, as there is 3 of us , Kelly and Ethan go in first and I wait in case the other 3 come.

I see Simon walking down the long corridor stretch with Josh and Vikk.

S:Finally , we couldn't find you, How's she doing?

V:Simon seems more worried then Ethan and Becky's mum put together

J:He likes her Vikk, They've only met tonight and they seem really good friends already.

S:She's a really nice friend and funny and I just hope she's okay.

JJ:You go in Si, we're allowed 3 at once.

S: Okay I guess I should.


Sorry if the chapters are a bit short at the moment guys, this is a big part of the story so I'm trying to break it up a bit :)

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