Up for that Fifa game?

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Simons POV:

I walk into Becky's room slowly and quietly. I see her sitting up, I smile at her. Becky's mum and Ethan are in here.

E: Could me and Simon possibly have a moment with Becky?

K:Of course , I'll be outside if anything happens.

S:Thank you.

Becky turns around and looks at Ethan , They hug each other, you can tell she is glad Ethan is there. She turns around to me , we do a fist bump then she hugs me too.

S:So, How are you, Stupid question but yeah..

B:I'm good, Well , I am now you guys and my mum are here to support me

S:So, You think you'll be running and up for that FIFA game?

E:Calm down Si she's only been in here 20 mins

E:I just want you to be okay so I can bring you to the house and hug you an-

S:And play FIFA!!

E:That too Simon haha.

B:Of course guys , Thanks for being so supportive, I'm so glad to have people like you in my life.

I decide to leave Eth and Becky to have a quiet moment. I sit with Vikk,Josh and JJ.

S:Where did Becky's mum go?

V:Oh she went to get some things for Becky for her hospital stay, She won't be out for a couple of days while they keep an eye on her stability.


J:They'll tell Ethan eventually just so he knows what's going on.

JJ:We all just hope she's okay, she's a really nice girl and Ethan will be devastated if anything happened.


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