chapter 22

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bryce pov
soon after ashley left, addison also went home, having a busy day full of meetings and projects ahead of her. i also had a few things to get done today, including an interview for entertainment tonight in about half an hour.

katie and i talked about a number of different topics before she brought up addison. i knew this would happen so after speaking to addison about it earlier, we decided on "no comment" when being asked about our relationship. i slightly elaborated, telling katie about how quarantine kind of brought us back to one another.. "we were just busy doing our own things.. now with quarantine, not so busy."

i was also asked my favourite thing about addison, to which i responded "her laugh." addison just being addison always radiates happiness, but her laugh really tops off the good vibes, never failing to make me smile.

before ending the interview, katie asked about my next youtube video. i let her know that it would be with addison and i teased chapstick. tomorrow we planned to film the chapstick challenge as our confirmation video, finally being able to tell our fans the truth about us.


i yawned as i wrapped my arms around addison, her slowly waking up and kissing my cheek. i drove to addison's last night, which was a regular because we wanted to spend as much time together as possible but were often busy during the day.

after getting ready, we headed out for breakfast. we held hands as we waited in the queue, addison quickly letting go.. "there's paparazzi" she whispered to me as she rolled her eyes. we were being filmed by paparazzi so much recently, even when we didn't post our locations. it was starting to irritate us both, so i decided to ask the paparazzi how he found us, him saying that he saw addison's car.. was it that hard to just respect our privacy?

addison pov
when bryce and i got back to my house, bryce set up the camera and it was time. "alright the moment you've all been waiting for" bryce said starting the video, me soon joining him.. "i'm gonna introduce my guest, you guys already know who it is by the title and thumbnail.. addison rae!!"

"oh yep you're perfect" i said to bryce as we sat down, assuring him that he was in the frame.. "really, are you flirting with me?" bryce said smirking.

"mint" i stated as bryce put the first chapstick on my lips. "fingers crossed for mint" bryce said as i applied the second chapstick to my lips, it being mint. "orange" i said in response to the third chapstick, shocked that it wasn't mint. "it tastes like ass.. orange is what i was thinking as well" bryce said, both of us laughing as we moved on to the final chapstick. "it's probably mint" bryce joked, but neither of us could tell what the flavour was.

bryce pov
"we have to mix them together to make one giant flavour" i said as addison and i leaned in for a kiss, adding the outro of the video to tease our fans. we then continued the video, showing the kiss and announcing the news.. "so as many of y'all guessed, we are official" addison revealed. "so this our second time and it's been more than three days.. so it's kind of successful because it's more than three days" i added.

we then answered a few questions addison had asked for on her instagram story earlier today. we talked about our first impressions of one another, addison catching feelings and saying "i love you" first, one thing we would change about each other, who's more jealous and much more.

"thank you guys so much for watching the video" we said as we ended the video. "good luck to us".. "seriously, we're gonna need it."

the way i'm writing about a confirmation video when they've recently announced their break up 😭 anyways i love them both and wish them best. i'm glad they're still friends and on good terms.. and ngl i think they'll get back together ;)

thank you quarantine // braddison Where stories live. Discover now