Hands (1)

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I sighed as I heard my moms arguing in the kitchen again. I can't really remember a day they haven't fought since I was adopted. There always seems to be something tense. I groan as I hear mom (Madelynn) yell at mama (Annabeth) again. 

   "I don't care if you're not happy about the way I run this mafia, Annabeth! It's MY mafia, you just married into it! This is our son's legacy and I will not simply let you stop our highest money maker to keep him safe! Our drug business is going to be what makes our family stand out in the future! Soyer knows exactly what he is getting into, otherwise he would have just turned down the title when we told him two years ago." She says sternly. I didn't really notice the specifics of their fights until after they told me on my sixteen birthday just exactly what the 'family business' was. Mama never really seemed as involved as Mom did, Mama mostly just spent time with me and seemed more involved with wanting to be a Mother than a mafia leader. 

    "You don't seem to grasp this correctly, Madelynn! You're still that child I had to marry to save this mafia after the original leader died! This will effect our son's future in ways you can't even begin to comprehend and you're not even giving him a choice! He could die for selling in the states and you're acting like it is no big deal! Look what happened to Adelynn! You remember her, right? The only family you had that actually cared about you?" I hear a stinging slap sound and come running downstairs. Mom is glaring at Mama as she whispers something in her ear. 

   "Mom, I think you need to leave," I say as I look at a red face Mama and a furious Mom. 

   "I don't think you get to dictate how I run my house, Soyer. Go up to your room, you mother and I need to finish an important conversation without you here," she never leaves her gaze from Mama. I stand up straight and tighten my jaw. 

   "Not like I couldn't hear you from my room. It's my business how I run this mafia once it is mine, not either one of yours. So, as far as you're both concerned it is none of your business," I turn to leave before I stop and look at Mom. "And if you hit Mama again I will make sure no one finds where your body is kept." Mom nods and tightens her jaw before leaving the room. Mama looks at me with grateful and sorrowful eyes before coming over to me and placing her hand on my jaw. 

    "Oh my sweet boy. I wish you didn't have us as parent sometimes. It was so unfair to bring a baby into this mess and now you're a grown man having to protect one of his Moms from the other," she sighs and looks me over. 

   I keep forgetting how much I look and act like her even though we are not blood related. Everyone says it's crazy, but I get my stubborn personality and strength from Mom. Funny how she never truly wanted anything to do with me unless it concerned the future of the family mafia, and yet I have two of her strongest personality traits. Mama smiles and lightly pats my face a few times before going up to her and Mom's room. 

I looked around for Mom for a solid fifteen minutes before finding her next to the pond in our garden. I could hear the frogs as she sighed and lightly cursed at herself. 

   "I meant what I said earlier, Mom. I don't care how much the two of you yell and scream and even break things, but if you touch Mama like that again then we will have more than just words, you and I." I stand behind her with my toned arms crossed across my chest and look at the pond over her head. 

   "I know, Soyer. I know. I'm just sorry I let my anger get the best of me. She hit a nerve and everything went dark. I guess I'm a little more messed up than I thought." She sighs and drags her hand through her hair. "I do love your mother, more than air itself, but it seemed once we had you and your sister come into our house everything shifted. Suddenly everyone knew of the Spade mafia children and it took triple the protection from those who sought to hurt your mother and I. I let my work and protecting you two come before everything, even our marriage. She hates me because I never involved myself in you and your sister's lives. In the end I think it was for the best, Mama is the best parent there is. I just don't think I would have been able to keep the darker parts of my life from you children, and that just isn't fair to you two." I sit next to Mom as I let her words sink in. 

   "So you've really never hit Mama before today?" I ask quietly. Mom looks at me with a softer look before speaking. 

   "I have never laid a hand on your mother before today and I am hating every ounce of myself for doing it today," a single tear rolls down mom's face as she take in a shaky breath. "Your mother and I were married to save this mafia, but our feelings are genuine to one another. Never doubt that our marriage isn't one of love, Soyer. We're just two stressed parents, and being part of the biggest mafia in The United States only makes it that much harder. Oh and your sister is dating now, so that adds to it," we both chuckle as we think of her bringing home a boy last week and Mama aiming a gun at his head. He acted calm as he flashed her the Jay mafia tattoo. I smile as I remember how confused Sky (my sister) was when he did that, she had just learned of the Mafia three months ago. Needless to say our moms approved of him. 

   "Sky hates that she can't seem to escape the mafia world when dating, but she really seems to like that Tanner guy so we'll see," I chuckle and Mom nods before standing up. 

   "I owe your mother an apology, and I think I need to grab the emergency ice cream and a severe amount of kisses," Mom says and I cringe. Mom laughs at me face before lightly grabbing me by the back of the head and kissing my forehead. "I do love you, Soyer. You, Sky and Mama are everything to me." 

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