Fighting (5)

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I dropped Sage off at her house and drove home with a grin on my face. I pulled into the drive way and handed our driver the keys while whistling before walking inside. It was around 11 pm and I knew that Mom and Mama had to be asleep, but to my surprise both of them were up and sitting at the table with coffee and worried expressions. 

   "What's up guys?" I ask while awkwardly putting my hands in my pants and a light smile still remaining on my face. Mama gives me a small and apologetic smile before Mom turns towards me with a stern face. 

   "You're not allowed to date townies. We marry in the mafia family, and that girl you took out tonight is not a part of that. I am ending this now," Mom says without a single questions and never letting her stern look leave my face. The smile leaves my face and I look at Mama with a questioning face. 

   "Are you serious right now? What happened to marrying who I love? Getting to be someone and not just a future mafia leader?" I look between the two and Mom tightens her jaw while Mama's eyes tear up. 

   "You can still turn down your title, Soyer. A mafia leader marries within mafia leaders and what is best for our trade. You should have that memorized by now. Either end this thing with that girl now or renounce your title," Mom says with no emotion. She'll never understand. 

   "You're only 18 sweetie. You don't really know what love is," Mama tries to explain calmly. I shoot her a glare and she shrinks back in her chair. 

   "Oh and your two do? You were forced to marry one another to stop a war and build a stronger army for future ones. You two got lucky and grew feelings for one another. I don't know if I will ever have that, but Sage makes me feel like a person. Not just some heir to a mafia. She treats like some asshole kid and not a big deal and I like it. I like that she isn't scared of my title and she talks to me without fear in her voice. You two will never understand what it is like for everyone but your mafia workers to pee themselves if you look at them. You have no idea what it is like being all alone. I do because this has been my life since the two of you adopted me and I didn't even understand why until two years ago." I beg with my Mothers. Mom's gaze doesn't change and Mama looks like she is in a different world while a single tear rolls down her face. 

   "This is why I won't let you tattoo yourself, Soyer. If you find someone outside of the mafia family that you love, there is still time to renounce the title. We have others that can run. Your sister would still make a fine leader and Tanner is an amazing mafia child," Mama explains in a soft tone while looking ahead of her and letting tears roll down her face. 

   "Mama and I have talked since we found out who you were on a date with, Soyer. Your title will be yours at 21 unless you renounce it. Your sister can rule two years later. This isn't a final deal, but you need to decide what you are doing with your life. That includes where you want to be in four years." Mom says before standing up and walking out. I look over at Mama and feel my heart break for her. She looks at me and stands up before walking over to me. 

   "You're my son before anything else, Soyer. I will love you no matter what you choose to do, but I never truly wanted this for my children. I thought for certain that Mom would want to end the mafia all together and give our shares to the Scorpions after you starts talking and walking. The moments she wouldn't want to miss due to work. But, I was proved wrong and she continued to want this life and seemed to feel no remorse for missing those important moments of your life. You can renounce this title and live a normal life. There is still a large sum of money that will be yours if this is the life that your choose, but make for certain that this girl is worth it." She lightly pats my face and goes up to her room. 

   "That was a huge over reaction to a first date," Sky says coming around the corner with a glass of water in her hands and wearing her pajamas. I groan and push my hands through my hair as I think about the day I was told I would be getting a younger sister. 

   "It's crazy to think that if our biological mother wanted kids then we never would have even had to go this all this craziness. We could date whoever we want and be normal kids," Sky looks at me like I am crazy. 

   "Mom and Mama love us and I am glad that our lives are not normal. I have never understood your craving to live a 'normal' life. With your public school and all of that. I just never truly understood how you could want that. Our lives are amazing. I think you should step back and be more grateful," Sky says before walking past me and going up to her room. Great now I have a house full of angry women. 



   "Soyer! Soyer!" I heard Mama calling from the kitchen. My little five year old legs ran down the stairs as fast as possible. 

   "What's wrong Mama?" I asked her urgently. She grinned at me before picking me up and setting me on the table in front of her. I starred into her beautiful green eyes. 

   "You're getting a new little sister. You and her came from the same biological sister. She is three and will be moving in next week," Mama looked so excited and I felt happy too. If Mama was happy then I was happy. I grinned at her. 

   "What's her name?" I ask in excitement. 


**End of Flashback** 

   Sometimes I wish my biological mother never had another kid. Or that we never found out from the adoption agency that she had moved three states away and had another kid for us to find out about three years later. Other times I am just happy to have someone to relate with me. 

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