Melt to My Feet (6)

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I rolled over and hit dismiss on my alarm and looked back at my ceiling. I didn't sleep last night as Mama's words kept replaying in my mind. 'I never wanted this life for either of you.' I groaned and ran my hands through my hair before sitting up. I got out of bed and turned on the shower. 'There is still time to renounce your title.' But was it worth it for one girl I'd only had one date with? I got in the shower and let the sound of the water take over my thoughts. I just had to get through today before dealing with tomorrow. I think Mom used to say that. 

I walked downstairs in my ripped skinny jeans and old band t-shirt and leather jacket in hand. Sky sees me and groans. "All hope of her changing you is gone. You're back to looking like a joke in skinny jeans," she sighs and I look over at Mama. 

   "You really going to let her just say that to me?" I ask her in astonishment at her quietness. She shrugs with a smirk before continuing to drink her coffee. I scoff and shoot the bird at Sky. 

   "Hey!" Mama says. 

   "She can just be rude to me but I cannot show her my love?" I ask in a fake nice tone. Mama gives me a warning glare and I smile at her kiss her cheek before grabbing a chocolate spread covered waffle off of her plate and running away from her half attempt hit. I grin at her and eat the waffle as I walk outside. I think I'll pick Sage up for school. 

I roll up to Sage's house ten minutes before the bus is supposed to her there and see her standing outside with a girl that looks a few years younger than her. I smile and get out of the my dark blue Ferrari. "Would you two beautiful girls like a ride to school?" I ask with a grin. Sage gives me a blushing smile as her sisters mouth drops. 

   "Your boyfriends car is amazing," I hear the girl whisper loudly. I smirk and look at her. 

   "You know not only my car is hot," I take off my sunglasses and she gives me a blushing grin. Sage shakes her head at me with a smile before pulling her sister to my car. I smirk and open the door for them before shutting the door behind them and walking to the other side of the car. 

   "You're hot, rich, and chivalrous?" her sister asks from the back seat. I grin and give Sage a wink. 

   "What's your name?" I ask her as I start the car. She blushes. 

   "Riya," she says quietly. I grin. 

   "That is a beautiful name. My name is Soyer," I introduce myself. She giggles and looks at Sage. 

   "Oh I've heard all about the romantic Soyer," she says and makes a kissing gesture I chuckle and shift the car into drive as Sage sinks into the passenger seat and hides her face in embarrassment. 

   "Oh please do tell me more," I chuckle. Riya does and I listen with an amused smile on my face. 

We pull up to the school and everyone stops to watch as I park and run around to open the car door for the girls. Riya gives me a high five and leaves for the freshman halls. I turn towards Sage and shut the car door before offering her my hand. She blushes and grabs my hand. 

   "So are you my boyfriend now?" Sage asks having to lean her head almost all the way back to look at my face. I hold in a chuckle at how funny she looks doing so. I grin at her question and give her hand a little squeeze. 

   "Only if you wanna be my girlfriend," I tease. She chuckles at me and gives me a little nudge. 

   "I don't know. Sounds boring," She teases back. I chuckle and grin down at her. 

   "Yeah. I'm your boyfriend. And you are my lovely and very intelligent girlfriend," I give her cheek a kiss. She smiles at me and I feel my heart melt down into my feet. She is really so beautiful. 

   "Okay, Boyfriend. Are you going to be driving my sister and I around to and from school everyday now?" I chuckle. 

   "Well of course. What boyfriend doesn't take his girlfriend and her little sister to school and anywhere they might want to go?" I grin at her and she jumps a little with a sinister grin. 

   "Anywhere?" she asks with a glow in her eyes. Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into? I look at her curiously before nodding slowly. She gives me a strange smirk before kissing my hand and pulling me towards out lockers that are directly next to one another. 

   "It's so weird that just yesterday you were telling me off and now you want to be my girlfriend," I tease her. She rolls her eyes at my words and I feel myself slowly falling more for her. I walk to her to class before going to my own. 

I walk up to Sage as I wait for her to put away her things in her locker before school. She looks at me and gives me an actual heart stopping smile. I feel myself smiling against my will. "So I forgot to ask you before," I suddenly say to her as I think about the day before. "but why aren't you afraid of me? You know who I am and all, but you never back down from talking back and giving me smug looks and reactions." Sage looks at me and smiles before responding. 

    "Because you're just another rich bully," she teases me and I groan before kissing her forehead. "Nah. I just don't get scared easily and I don't see why everyone is so scared of you. You're a big romantic softy," I smile down at her as I think about what my mothers had talk to me about last night. Was she worth giving everything I was taught about over? 

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