Anastasia (11)

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I grunted as I hit the bag against the wall. I had been at this for a while now as I let me emotions out through the punches. Mom came in a while ago and was just watching me from the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. I finally got tired of her not saying anything so I spoke while I continued to throw punches at the bag. 

   "What Mom?" I ask her in a low voice. She gives me a surprised yet irritated look. 

   "I do not appreciate that tone, young man," she said with a pointed look. I shrugged. 

   "If you don't like it, you could always leave. It's what you used to do all the time anyways. As a matter of fact why don't you go get Mama? You know, since she was the only one that actually ever cared about spending time with Sky and I." I punched the bag harder and faster as I said each word. Mom nodded as she took in what I said. 

   "Well I just thought you should know your hands are bleeding. You didn't wrap them before you started," she says this in a monotone voice before leaving. I stopped to look at my hands to see she was right. 

I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before I went to bandage my hands and stopped when I saw Sage sitting at my kitchen counter.  

   "What happened to your hands?" she asked as she looked at me. I couldn't find the words to say so I walked over to the fridge and acted as if she wasn't there while I leaned against the counter and drank my water. It was quiet for a really long time as I felt her eyes on me. 

   "Could you put a shirt on please?" she asks me all of a sudden. I raised an eyebrow at her as I noticed her face was red. I shrugged and she looked anywhere but me as she tried to calm her face down. It would have been cute if I wasn't mad at her for ignoring me all the last week. 

   "What are you doing here Sage?" I asked her, getting straight to the point. 

   "Well your Mother- Annabeth- let me in and them told me to wait here to-" I cut her off. 

   "I didn't mean my kitchen counter. I meant at my house," I gave her an irritated look and she nodded. 

   "I came here to talk to you," she states simply. I nod, expecting more. "I don't think what you did the other day was appropriate. Do your Moms know you are taking over your uncles mafia?" she asks me and I almost answer her before Mom and Mama come walking in. Mom has bandages in her hands and Mama looks irritated. 

   "We do now," Mama states calmly and sending a tight smile to Sage. I don't think Mama likes Sage. 

   "I thought I told you to get rid of her," Mom says as if Sage isn't sitting five feet away. Mom takes my hands and starts cleaning my knuckles with the stinging antiseptic stuff I hate. 

   "Yeah well I hear I get my stubbornness from my Mom," I say with a shrug as I stare at Sage. She blushes and anxiously plays with the ends of her hair. Mom grunts and then gets out the cream and bandages. 

   "I think you should go home now, Sage. I am sure Soyer will call you after we have had a talk with him," Mama says in a voice dripping fakes sweetness. It was kind of funny to see Mama act this way over just a girl. I held in a chuckle and it looked like Mom was too. 

   "Okay. Um, Soyer?" Sage says and looks from Mama to me. 

   "Yeah?" I grumble out as Mom carefully wraps my knuckles in bandages. 

   "Don't bother calling," she says quietly before leaving. I feel my heart break as she leaves and Mama pretends to be proud. Mom looks at me with a knowing look before handing me a fresh bottle of water. 

   "Go after her. Mama and I will talk in here. I'll distract her," Mom whispers to me before handing me a bar of chocolate. "Give her this and show her the flower garden." I nodded my thanks and ran after Sage. 

Sage was almost back to her car, but I ordered the car driver to pull forward a little every time she got close to the door. It was quite comical. I cleared my throat and an aggravated Sage met my eyes. 

   "I'm going to guess this was your idea?" she says as she points to her car. I shrug and motion for her to follow me. She groans but follows. 

    "Why are you acting so cold towards me?" I ask her as I lead her to my families flower garden. She looks at her feet. 

   "It's just better for everyone is you go with the arranged marriage to make mends with another mafia and have mafia children. I left the mafia with my father and never looked back to a reason, Soyer. I am not going to simply go back to the life that killed," she takes a shuddering breath, "my Mom. Even if it's for a gorgeous guy that still isn't wearing a shirt and took me on the literal best date of any girls dreams." I chuckled at the no shirt thing. I handed her the chocolate and she smiled at me before taking a piece out to chew on. 

   "I think you should have told me that was the problem and not have tried to avoid and ignore me. Mafia children have huge egos and you stomped all over mine," I tell her with a smile. She giggles and nods. 

   "That was sort of the whole point. My older sister, Anastasia, really doesn't like mafia men. Our brother is sort of the only one she allows herself to associate with because she was betrothed to a really sweet and cute mafia child once from Germany, but he died the night our Mom did. I guess I never question her ideas because she is the second oldest but yet the wisest of us all." I nod as I think of the rude business looking older girl. She was really mean. 

   "So this is the end of us? We can't even be friends?" I ask her as I look at the flowers. Sage looks around in amazement before answering me.

   "Friends aren't in love with one another, so no. I cannot be friends with you Soyer Sharpe, because I am in love with you." I felt my hearts stop and my breathing becomes erratic. 

Sage said she loves me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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