Fire (4)

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I grab the keys and look into the dinning area to see Sky and Tanner sharing an Ice cream pile of sugar together. I hold back to urge to barf and go into the room. I sit down next to Sky and hum. She gives me a glare. 

   "What do you want, Soyer?" she asks in annoyance. What's with girls and thinking I am annoying today? I shrug at Sky and look at my phone. I want to be early but not so early I look like a nerd so I will wait five more minutes. Tanner looks me over before lightly shaking his head with a smile. Sky catches it. 

   "What am I missing?" Sky asks while looking between me and her boyfriend. Tanner laughs. 

   "Soyer has a date tonight," he notes. I feel my face lights up in embarrassment. Sky looks me over before nodding. 

   "Is it that obvious? Should I change?" I look over myself in a judging way. Sky scoffs and shakes her head. 

   "You look nice. It's different from your usual leather jacked and ruined lightly colored jeans is all. It's nice," I scoff and roll my eyes. 

   "Maybe I should change." I stand up to go before my reminder goes off. Too late now. I sigh and grab the keys I set on the table so I can drive. Sky looks at the keys and grins. 

   "The Ferrari? Really?" she asks in amusement before I head for the door. 

   "I  want to make a good impression!" I call to her as I leave the house. 


I pull up to Sage's house two minutes before seven and head up to the door to knock like Mama always told me to do. Time to make a good first impression. I quickly fix my hair and straighten out my shirt. Why am I so nervous? I look up as a man in his mid to late forties answer the door. He looks me over in what seems like recognition before nodding at me. 

   "What are you here for, Sharp?" he asks me. Ah, I guess he knows who I am. I decide it's safe to introduce myself anyways. 

   "Hello sir, my name is Soyer Sharp, and I am here for your daughter," I say with a kind smile. He looks me over before asking me another question. 

   "Which one?" he says in a teasing tone. Crap. I never realized that Sage might have sisters. 

   "I am here for Sage, sir." He raises a surprised eyebrow at me. 

    "Aren't you like twenty?" he asks me in confusion. I give him a questioning look before shaking my head. 

   "No sir, I just turned 18 a few weeks ago actually," he looks me over while nodding before turning his head. 

   "Sage! There is some really attractive boy- man type thing at the door waiting for you!" I smile in amusement at how he calls me. Sage quickly comes to the door with an embarrassed look. 

   "Dad, I told you I had a date tonight," she states while looking over me. 

   "I thought it would be that nerdy kid, Thomas that would be taking you. Not the next- I mean Soyer Sharp." he catches himself and I suddenly realize. He knows who I am and he's not scared of me. Like father, like daughter I guess. This whole family intrigues me. I look over at Sage and feel the breath leave my lungs. She is wearing skinny jeans and a cute sweater with her hair down in soft curls and little to no makeup on. She was stunning. I felt myself starring but I didn't care. She scrunches her face cutely. 

   "Is there something on my face?" she asks. I shake my head and remain speechless as she smiles with a blush that somehow makes her even more beautiful. I suddenly remember it's my turn to talk. 

   "Um, I hope a drive in movie and picnic is okay for a first date," I say with a dry mouth as she smiles. 

   "It sounds perfect," she says with a grind before grabbing my arm. 

   I feel my heart skip a beat and feel a little dizzy at her touch. God I am such a girl sometimes. I smirk and give her dad a nod goodbye before leading her to my dark blue Ferrari I had gotten for my 17th birthday. She stares at it in amazement. I open the door for her and I swear I heard her moan in content. I grin and close the door once she is safely in the car before running over to the drivers side. 

We pull into the private drive thru I had rented out for the night and she stares at everything. 

   "Is this all ours?" she asks in amazement. I grin. 

   "For the next three hours the drive thru is all ours and we have full access to the concession stand because I threw in a little extra to have the key for the night. The world is ours tonight," I tell her playfully with a smile as we pull in a spot in the exact middle. She grins and jumps in excitement. 

    "Can we make cotton candy and nachos?" she asks with a glimmer in her eyes. I chuckle and nod. She squeals and quickly climbs out of the topless car. I get out and follow behind her. She turns around and grabs my hand to make me go faster and I can feel my whole body ignite in a fire sensation as I watch how excited she is. 

   "This is so perfect!" she calls from behind the cotton candy machine as I make the nachos and grab a bowl for jalapenos. She grins and nods at the bowl. "I love jalapenos." I grin. 

   "It's part of my lineage. Both the one I was adopted into and the one I would have been born into. Being Latino and all,"  I explain as I pour the hot yellowish orange cheese over the circular chips. She smiles. 

   "I am Italian so I am supposed to like spaghetti and pastas, but I don't really like them. Don't tell my grandma though. I think she would disown me," she says with a hearty laugh and I chuckle.

  "I don't have grandparents, but Mama said they all died before her and Mom even go married," I explain to Sage as I put together everything so it is easier to carry back to the car that I have a blanket in the back of. The plan is to lay the blanket on the hood and watch a movie and eat on the blanket and talk more. She gives me a small smile. 

   "So what's it like having two moms?" she asks in a conversational type of way. I smile and happily explain.  

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