Siblings... and Siblings (8)

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I groaned as my alarm went off. Today was the day I would have to break up with Sage so I could keep my title as Mafia Leader. Tomorrow I would be announced as heir in front of hundred of people from different Mafia families. I slammed my fist down on the alarm and rolled out of bed. I stood in front of the mirror on the back of my bathroom door for a few minutes as I took in my appearance. 

   I was only eighteen and yet I felt like I was at least ten years older. I was too tall for my build, but I was gaining muscle in the awkward areas. I looked down at my toned abdomen and sighed, maybe I should work out more. Other guys in my school were more of a nice looking bulky muscle build. My arms weren't big enough either. Maybe I should just focus on building up my muscles instead of being sad over Sage. I rubbed my hands over my face and then went into the bathroom to shower. 

I pulled up to Sage's house with my mouth set in a thin line and my glasses on to cover my eyes. Mama always said my eyes told more truth than anything, and I didn't want Sage to think it hurt me to do this. The more indifferent I seemed, the better it would be for her. 

   I walked up to the door and knocked. I quickly put my hands into my pocket awkwardly as I heard someone's feet come up to the door. It quickly swung over to reveal a gorgeous brown haired girl with  bright blue eyes. She looked like an older version of Sage, only she seemed like she was mad. I had a feeling she always seemed mad. 

   "Hi, I'm Soyer Sharpe," I introduce myself to be polite. I reach out my hand for her to shake and she glares me down. 

   "Sage will no longer be seeing you," she says and then slams the door in my face. I felt dumbstruck. I stood there for a second as I processed what just happened before I shook it off and knocked again. I heard a groan on the other side of the door and another girl that looked between Sage and the other girl opened the door. She wasn't as beautiful as the others, but her features screamed that she just wanted to be in her room with a book. 

   "Listen, Soyer," she said sweetly as she pushed her huge framed glasses higher on her face. She stepped out and closed the door behind her before looking up at me and crossing her long sleeved arms over her chest. "I'm Sage's sister, Emily. Sage is not safe dating you. Our family is well aware of who your family is and what they do. Sage will no longer be involved for her safety. I hope you understand, but she agreed to this. You're going to be running your families 'business' here before long and none of us want her to be in the position our mom was." I look at her confused before she goes stiff and realized what she just said. 

   The older girl from before storms out onto the porch in high heels and a for fitting office outfit. "Go inside, Emily," she orders to the girl who I am now guessing is at least my age, maybe a little older. I look at who I am now guessing is the oldest and she glares at me as Emily quickly goes inside. She places her hand on her hips before letting a long breath out. 

    "Listen, Soyer. Our family has.... history with being your type of family. Sage was only seven when our Mom died and then our father quickly renounced his title to take care of his children. There are five of us girls and one boy. My older brother is on his way here, and he did not renounce his right to it. We are only looking out for the both of you, because our brother is not an easy man to please. So, I am telling you this once. Leave before you regret being here, and forget all about my younger sister. It's what is best for the both of you," and with that she turns around and goes back inside, quietly closing the door behind her before I hear it lock. 

   What the Hell just happened? 

   I did the only thing a man in my position would do; I called Sage. 

   Soyer; *Hey* 

   Sage; *You shouldn't be calling me. My brother is over protective as it is, but if he finds out who your are...* 

   Soyer; *Why didn't you tell me your family is part of a mafia?* 


   Soyer; *Sage?* 

   Sage; *Because technically the rest of us have no connections to the mafia. My brother pays our bills and Dad took a quarter of the shares before splitting. We have no connection besides my brother who is only really around for birthdays and holidays.* 

   Soyer; *Can you at least tell me what the name of the mafia is?* 


    Sage; *They're known as the 'Scorpions'. My brother is next in line because the man who runs it now is who took over for my father as second before he became the leader. His name is-* 

    Soyer; *Austin.* 

    Sage; *How did you know that?* 

    Soyer; *He's my uncle.* 

 I hang up the phone and go to my car in rage. Austins second and heir to his mafia was my now ex-girlfriend's brother and Austin never once mentioned it when I told him about Sage. Uncle Austin and I are going to have words. 

   I hit my steering wheel before starting my car and peeling away from their house as three SUV's pulled up to the house and a man I immediately recognized as my Uncle's second stepped out of one and hugged a young girl with long curly brown hair with a smile. Jonathan Ayels. 

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