Tough Stuff (7)

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I grunt as I almost get hit by another punch. Mom glares at me and drops her defensive post as she gives me a strange look. I look at her confused. 

    "What, mom?" I ask her as I drop my guard and watch her stare me down. 

   "You haven't broken up with that girl yet and you're distracted. I've never gotten this close to being able to hit you since I trained you properly." 

   "Mom, I don't need a lecture right now." 

   "I think you do, Soyer. You need to breakup with this girl. Mama may think it's okay for you to pick some local over your duty to this mafia, but I do not. This is your birthright in this family and I will have have you turn it down for some girl that will leave you in a few months, a year tops. You need to think about your future and leave her now before you're too distracted to properly handle your initiation ceremony with Mama and I in a few months." I glare at her. 

   "Not everyone has to be prepared to fight off people on their initiation day, Mom." Mom shoves me back and I stumble back a step with a huff in annoyance. 

   "You will not talk to me about that. Now you listen here, tough guy. This initiation is important. Without it I would have never been introduced to the mafia families. You're first in line of the first generation Spade mafia child.  This is of great importance and it will also be the first initiation since the mafia leader before me died at mine." I look at the ground. Mom's never really talked about her life before meeting Mama. 

I groan as Sky kicks my abdomen again, knocking me down with a smile on her face. "You're losing your balance and concentration," she says as she stands over me. 

   "Not my fault my little sister has a strong round house kick that I never really learned to block in defensive classes," I groan holding my chest. She grins and helps me up. 

   "Not that I am your answering machine or anything, but that one girl that has Mom and Mama's panties in a twist called you four times while I watched you spar with Mom," Sky says as I grunt and stretch out my sore abdomen. 

   "That would have been nice to know before now. Sage is going to think I am ignoring her or something," I groan in annoyance as I walk over to my bag with my phone sitting on top. Sky huffs. 

   "I figured you would be ignoring her, seeing as how you're not even supposed to be dating her, unless you've decided to renounce your title before next month? Or did you forget about your mafia family introduction that has Mama chewing her nails down to nubs?" she gives me a pointed look and I give her the bird before picking my phone up and leaving the room. I hate when Sky is right. 

I look over at a grinning Sage in pure terror as she whips quickly around another corner in my car. Why would I ever agree to letting her drive my baby? Oh, yeah. I felt bad about not answering her calls and promised to make it up to her. I should really think about my wording when I have such an expensive car and such an adrenaline addicted girlfriend. I groan as she suddenly break checks me for the third time in the longest ten minute drive of my life. She giggles and then pulls into a Walmart parking lot, looking proud of herself. 

   "I think I'm going to barf," I said as I got out of the car and felt like kissing the steady ground. Sage laughs at my antics and I give her a pouting face. 

   "It wasn't that bad," she says with a small giggle. I give her a large eyed stare. 

   "If your plan was to kill me without having murder charges, then you almost succeeded. And here I thought I was an amazing boyfriend. If I'm that bad at this then next time just break my heart with emotions, not a heart attack," I whine and she laughs at me again. "I am so glad that my agonizing pain from near heart failure is amusing," I groan out as I sit down and lean against my car. 

   "I never would have thought that Soyer Sharpe was such a drama king," she says teasing me before sitting next to me. 

   "The things you find out when you actually talk to someone and not their rumors," I teased her back as I gave her a little shove with my shoulder. She giggled and nodded her head in agreement. 

   "The things you find out, indeed." 

   "You hungry?" I ask her as I feel my stomach nibbling on itself. She shrugs. 

   "I could eat." I nod and get up before helping her up. I go around to the drivers side and Sage shoots me a small grin and then gets in on the other side. 

   "How about some drive thru good type greasy stuff?" I say, feeling myself droll a little. She giggles and nods before grabbing the hand I'm not using and cuddling down in the seat. I keep forgetting how tiny she is. I could never imagine hurting her, yet here I was. Unable to choose between her and my family legacy. 

I groaned in pleasure at the double stacked bacon cheeseburger taste hits my tongue. Sage looks at me funny before taking a bite of her chicken sandwich that I bought, much to her dislike. I don't know why she dislikes me paying for her things so much when she knows how much money I have in my bank account alone. I shrugged at her before eating the rest of the delicious burger and then munching on my fries. She ate slowly, but seemed happier having food in her. 

   "Best. Boyfriend. Ever," she says as she eats her seasoned curly fries and then sips on her Sprite. I chuckle as I watch her wiggle in excitement. She kisses my cheek and then goes back to eating. I smile at her before taking a few sips from my Coke. I would have to drop her off at home soon. I love days like this. 

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