517 17 17

It's always raining when I'm with you.


I was walking down the street, umbrella in hand, with my backpack in the pouring rain. I was wanting to study at the park, but the weather said otherwise. I'm a 19 year old college student going to To-Oh University. My life was alright. Average grades, not a total A+ student. I was an average B student at best, which I kind of hated. I always tried to be above and beyond, but could never manage. As I was walking I felt my shoes get wet from the inside. "I should have worn my rain boots. I knew it was going to rain." I sighed and stopped at a gas station near my area. I haven't eaten since lunch, and I had a good 1000 yen to spend.

I walked in, closing my umbrella, and shutting the door behind me. I checked my watch, "4:27" I said to myself. I should head back to my house before 5 so mom doesn't worry. I walked around a little aisle, shoes squeaking against the tile floor. I grabbed some chips and walked over to the coolers. I opened the door, grabbing an energy drink. That's when I saw him. I hadn't seen anyone like him before. He had medium-cut length dirty blonde hair with bangs, and wore all leather with a black jacket with fur on the hood. He looks as if he's a part of a gang. I thought to myself. I must have been starting on accident, because he looked towards me with a glare. His piercing blue eyes looking straight into mine. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. I quickly played it off like nothing happened and shut the fridge door, walking up to the check out.

The chaser rang me up. "Would you like a bag? She said with a smile. "No thank you." I replied back, taking out my wallet. "That would be 7000 yen." She replied. I gave her the money, putting my stuff in my bag walking out back in the rain. I opened my umbrella, and got out my drink. That was pretty weird. I thought to myself, sipping the cold drink in my already frigged hands. I'm not much for hot beverages, even in cold weather like today. I continued walking my normal route home, thinking about that encounter with that guy. I know it was just a glance, (not a welcoming one ether) but I really don't know why I keep thinking about him. He was nothing special I guess, just another pedestrian.

I got home, taking off my wet shoes and socks, walking upstairs to my bedroom. I put down my book bag and jacket. "How'd it go?" My mom yells from across the stairs. "It was fine." I replied, opening my door to greet her. "Were having California sushi rolls with brown rice for dinner, hope you're hungry."

"Alright, I'll just be a second." I said back, going up the stairs to take off my jacket, throwing it onto my desk chair. I walk out of my room and shuffle down the stairs to the kitchen to eat dinner.


As I get ready for bed, I still cannot manage to forget that guy I saw at the gas station. His eyes are permanently stuck in the back of my head. I stare at myself in the mirror as I'm brushing my teeth. I stop and look at my eye bags. I look exhausted. I tried to be a top student, but couldn't manage. I was working myself to death in college, not really enjoying my last few months as a teen. I didn't even get straight As like I have been wanting. I sighed and rinsed out my toothbrush, walking out of the bathroom. I collapsed onto my bed, and looked out of the window. The rain had stopped, and now it was just a pitch black night. Nothing but street lights, apartments, and passing cars. I stared out my window, fixing my gaze at the stars till I eventually fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up around 8:45 am for my morning walk. I groaned, and hit snooze on my alarm clock shuffling out of bed. I did my morning routine, grabbed a granola bar for a quick breakfast and headed out. It was a nice windy Saturday morning, so I wore a light jacket. It was supposed to rain again around 11, so I knew I had plenty of time to take a walk. The sidewalks were still slick from the rain from yesterday, so I was smart enough to wear my rain boots this time. My mind kept on wandering to the day before. When we both locked eyes. Even if it was for a second, and even if his gaze was not welcoming. I sighed and stopped to cross the road. I walked across the street and made a left on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, I feel a few drops of rain on my head. I look up and suddenly feel a drop of rain run down my cheek. Huh, the rain must have come a bit early.

After a few minutes, I was running in the downpour with my hood up. I saw that same gas station I went to the afternoon before, so I ran inside, taking my hood off and unzipping my jacket in the process. I still had a good 300 yen with me, so I headed towards the candy isle. My eyes gazed around all of the sweets not paying any attention to the person in front of me. My eyes eventually landed on a Hershey's bar. As I was going to grab the chocolate, a gloved hand overlapped mine.

I traced an arm up to a face. My eyes widened. It was him. The guy from yesterday.

"Are you going to let go or not?" He stated with an annoyed tone. "Oh! Yeah, sorry." I said back, grabbing some other candy and heading to the checkout counter. The cashier rang me up, and I headed out. I could still feel my heart racing, not caring as I slowly get drenched from the downpour. I headed downtown, stopping at a nearby bus stop. I sat down, waiting, staring at the sidewalk in font of me.

I want to see him again. 


[Yeah um, I don't know if i'll be re-uploading  that other Mello x reader fan fiction because looking back, I hate it. I'm just gonna be straight up, I hate it. I think it would be more interesting to have one big story anyways instead of one or two part separate stories. I will hopefully be writing/uploading once a week, or at least I will try since this is a new hobby. Hope everyone's day/night is going well! Hopefully some people will stick around :) bye for now!]  

ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴇɴ ɪ'ᴍ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ. (ᴍᴇʟʟᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon