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It's always raining when I’m with you


It was ten minutes till 2:00, you were walking to the warehouse for your new job, and your job was to find information on the Kira investigation. You needed to try to get in the investigation task force. You already knew of one person that was working in that case, and he was also a main suspect. Light Yagami. Light went to the same college as you before you became a drop out to work with the mafia, so maybe it was possible that you could sneak in on campus, find him, and talk about the investigation. Maybe he would see how capable you were and let you on board. Since you were only missing from school for a few days, It wouldn't be suspicious of you to tell Light you were out sick. That sounded believable. As you were arriving, you caught Matt outside smoking. You smiled and waved at him to get his attention. He looked up and waved back exchanging the gesture. You gogged up to him, making sure not to trip and fall like an idiot. That would be embarrassing. 
  “Hey Matt!” You said, a bit winded from jogging. “Hey, how are you doing?” 
  “Eh, I don’t know, I’ve just been panicking since you literally know all of my thoughts and feelings about Mello and if you slip up and tell him I’m basically screwed.” You laughed nervously and he rolled his eyes and smiled. 
Oh god, did I just admit that? 
“You’re not going to be screwed. Maybe you’ll get screwed since he likes you back, from what I’ve heard. I’m not 100% certain though.” You looked away out of embarrassment. You felt even more winded after you heard that to be honest. Does he really like me? “Matt! Stop!” You playfully nudged his arm, and he laughed. All of a sudden Mello walks out of the wearhouse, candy bar in hand as expected. “What are you two doing? C’mon, we need to get to work.” Matt nugged your arm as Mello led you both iside. “Go get em tiger.” Matt said whispering and winking at you. You rolled your eyes mouthing ‘Stoopp’ and looked away.  The warehouse was empty, unlike before when you had first arrived. At least the main room was. You sat across from Mello, crossing your legs, mind ready to give him the plan you’ve prepared. Matt sat down somewhere else on a bean bag chair, opening up a video game ignoring your guys’s conversation since the plan didn’t really concern him. “I thought of a plan.” You said, starting up a conversation. “Oh yeah? Well then, tell me.” 
  “What I was planning to do is since I know Light Yagami is on the task force working for the Kira investigation, I was planning to try and get close with him. We both went to the same collage before I dropped out a few days ago.” 
 “But if you dropped out, you’re no longer a student.” He stated, snapping off a piece of his chocolate bar. “Yes, but he doesn’t know that. I’ll just tell him I went out sick for a few days. That sounds believable.” 
 “Well, how are you going to get close to him?” He asked, looking at you. “Just trust me.” You said looking him back, now in the eyes. I really hope he approves of my plan, and trusts me enough to go through with it. Last thing I want to happen is to screw up, fail, then look like a dumbass. 
“I trust you.” He said nodding. “If my plan works, then I’ll get the whereabouts of the notebook, and tell you any information I can find while working on the investigation.” 
 “Sounds good.” He said smiling, chewing an already bitten piece of candy. You smiled back, proud that he approved of your plan. “Oh wait, I’ll need a uniform. I left mine at my moms, and I don’t think I’ll be able to go back because of..reasons.”
 “Is that all?” 
 “Yes, that's all I’m missing. Since I’ll only talk to him on campus, I won’t need any text books since I’m not actually going to be taking any classes.”
 “Right. If that's the case, I think I could manage to get you a new uniform.” 
“Thanks a lot. Alright, that should be everything.” You said, getting up, getting your bag. “Wait.” Mello said, grabbing your wrist, making you turn towards him. “I can get you that uniform tonight, but we’ll need to meet up in order for me to give it to you, since I want you to start as a spy tomorrow.” Tomorrow was Monday, the starting day of the week for school. It would be a perfect day to get close to Light. He continued his sentence getting up, letting go of your wrist. “How about we meet up at your place, 8:00?” 
 “Sure, sounds good. But, how are you going to get the uniform in only a few hours? 
 “Don’t worry about it. Matt, could you drive them home? I have some business to attend to.” He said looking towards Matt, crossing his arms. “Sure thing.” Matt got up, closing his Gameboy and getting his car keys off the table. “Bye, see you at 8.” You said smiling at Mello. He nodded, and left the room. 
After Matt had dropped you off, you went straight to unpacking everything. You didn’t want Mello to see all this clutter, it would be more presentable to unpack everything and clean as well. You started with the living room, making sure to dust and sweep before moving things around. You unpacked and built a little round coffee table along with a mini couch. (Well, it was small to you.) The couch had 2 seat cushions and was a light smokey grey made of leather. You built your bookshelf next and filled it with cool things you had gotten over the years, some of your rock collection, and some books obviously. You then moved to the kitchen, unpacking all the dishes, pots, pans, and silverware all into the appropriate cupboards and drawers. You sighed and stretched out your arms and legs. You’ve been working for about an hour and a half. You decided that you would clean the bathroom and be done, because it was less likely you and him wouldn’t go in your room. You figured if you just shut your bedroom door it would be out of sight and out of mind. You also needed time to go shopping to get some real food since you wanted to cook for Mello. You didn’t want him to go home without dinner, as motherish as it sounded. You grabbed all of the boxes that had ‘BATHROOM’ written on them with thick black sharpie and headed to the bathroom. You unpacked all of the towels and folded them, putting them on the shelf across from the sink. You unpacked all of your toiletries and put them in their appropriate places on the bathtub shelves. All you needed to do now was get all of your medication, hair products, toothbrush, etc. and put them in the cabinet underneath the sink. Once you were finished, you disposed of the boxes by just putting them in a closet. You would take them to the curb tomorrow morning. Right now your mission is to go to the store, get groceries, and cook something all before Mello arrives, which would give you 3 hours to do so. You grabbed your coat zipping it up, along with your bag which had your wallet in it. You knew how to cook pretty well, since you took some culinary classes in high school and got pretty good grades in it. Cooking spaghetti should be easy enough, even though it might be a bit on the cliche side. And you even have your own recipe for tomato sauce that a lot of people liked when you made it those few times for family gatherings. Your eyes softened, memories flooding back of you, your mom, aunt, grandma and grandpa. You snap out of it and take a deep breath, shutting your apartment door. You feel a bit nervous about what would be taking place in a few hours. Am I really going to let some man I just met, let alone a member of the mafia into hy household? A part of you thought you could trust him, but the other half wasn’t so sure. 
    Guess I’ll just have to find out for myself.

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