The Wedding - Part 1

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AN: Hiiiiya readers! >.< I recetly got a comment about my "frequent and relentless spelling mistakes" or wuteva??? I dont no if the rest of u guyzz noticed -- probably not, because my writing transcends traditional grammar conventions. Anywayz, since all good riters listen to their audience, I'll try better dis time!! If you have any "criticism" (probz not bc im amasinggggg) pls telll me how you feel... in the comments.... would love to read them.


{POV: You are getting maried to Socrates in less then won week!!! wedding planning BEGINS!}

Y/N: Ok bb, do you think the white or the purple flowers wuld be best?

Socrates: sighhhhhhhhh.........

Y/N: Well??

Socrates: Whateva, babe. Idc. Whatever u think wuld look best.

Y/N: Riiiiight. Just like the food, and the invitations.... All my choice...

Socrates: why r u takin that tone with me, Y/n? 

Y/N: i dunno socrtaes.... maybe im takign this tone becus u dont care about our wedding!

Socats: gasp!

Y/N: ALL you do is complain when we r at the wedding shops! Tha employees must all think we are a toxic couple who will get davorced two days after the wedding!

Socrates: *laughs* you dont see it, do you?

Y/N: *huffs* see wot, socrtaes?

Socreates: im working just as hard as you are for this wedding... for us. Y/N.... I-

*Socrates takes a long pause, deep in philosophical pondering. You watch him as he thoughtfully peaces together his thoughts.*

Socrates: Your beautiful and perfect in every way. Im ugly and a social outcast. Society would make it that someone as gorgeous as you would laugh at soemone like me.... Yet, you want to marry me? You bear my ring on your finger?

Y/N: I-

Socrate: I cant just pick  out purple or whit flowers. My mind.... I am constantly weighed down by trying to be good enough for you, Y/N. I love you. I need you. I cant live without you. But I fear.... you could live without me.

Y/N: Soc-

Socrates: So mayb the wedding shop people think were wrong for eachotha because im not helping pic out food. But just know, Y/N, that im working just as hard as you are. working to calm the dangerous storm in my brain.

Y/N: Socrates, Im sorry I ever doubted you.

*You falls helplessly into my arms*

Y/N: I... I love you, Socrates. You know that, right?

Socrates: I know. *kisses forehead* let's plan this wedding then, hey/

Y/N: *eyes gleaming* r-really?

Socrates: if it will make you happy.


Socrates x Reader {Dialogue}Where stories live. Discover now