How you met

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Mondo was a fellow classmate of yours you guys had done a project together and it was a week long project. One night he offered to drive you home since it was late out and you both became closer after that.

Your grades had starting to slip and you had decided to try and find a tutor and who better to tutor than Mr. Moral compass

Togami: He was acting like a real d//ck like normal and one day you stoped putting up with his attitude and just told him off. ( Y'all were classmates) you both would do anything to get under each other's skin and soon both of you realized what it had become

Both of you were at a underground gambling place and you were the referie ( I think that is how it is) and would deal out the cards. After a bit she had asked you to gamble with her and you agreed

You had taken your car/motercycle in for a repair and Kazuichi was the one looking and fixing it that day. You walked in and the first thing you sall was the man with pink hair that went to his shoulders and a neon green yellow jumpsuit holding a wrench.

You were volunteering at a pet shelter. When it was time to let the dogs out you realized they were missing. Then you look outside and see a boy with his hamsters outside watching them. You went out to talk to him to find out he was also volunteering there.

It was the first day of school and you were one the last people in the room you had sat down next to the male with white hair that has a bit of pink on the tips. Everyone seemed to avoid talking to him so you and him started talking

You were a volunteer at the library over the summer and it was a story time day but with an astronaut theme. You were setting up and you see a man with purple hair and a brown jacket hanging on his shoulders walk in. " Is this the astronaut reading" you said yes. You both talked a bit finding out you both will go to eh same school. It had turned out he was the one reading the story that day.

You had been having a longer at at school. Someone had been pulling pranks on you all day. So when you were walking down the hall you heard a mischievous laugh around the corner. So you sprinted down there eager to find out who it was. There you were face to face with the short purple hairs goblin in the middle of setting up another prank.

You had been taking on a apprenticeship that day. Infact it was the first day of it. Not knowing any better you walked up to the door and knocked on it. Then a person but robot liked had opened the door for you. " Come on in we have been waiting on you" they said.

Hey everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I posted a semi decent chapter. I have been side tracked and keep forgetting. I hope everyone is doing well! Stay safe!!

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