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Here are some monokuma headcannons that i came up with! I will be doing this for other characters too sometimes if i can not come up with an idea for the others. Please note these ones are not romantic because this is monokuma we are talking about. LAstly this also includes theries. I will let you know when there is a spoiler because it will be in bold, but there is no spoiler warnings for the first game. Also this chapter will have mentions of su!c!de once in the chapter at the first spoiler so please do not read that one if it makes you uncomfertabe.

- Monokuma loves monster engery and bassicaly lives off of it and thats why he is always hyper. So before the tragity he colected all the most he could find for both him and Junko. Sometimes he will also steal moster out of Junkos stash so he won't run out!
- He has a huge fear of being replaced. Due to how Junko can come up with another one he always tryes to get what ever he is told to do done so he will not be replaced. This is why he does everything he can so one student willl kill another.
- Even though monokuma has multiple of himself his copys have a bit differnet personalitys than him but he is the onlly one who realizes that. So because of that he is friends with all of them.
Spoiler - Monokuma is not 100% robot and was originaly a human. Before he was a robot he was in a killing game and was the only suriver, but due to all the others who had died he had no idea what to do so he desided he would help Junko with her plan. During this time she was comeing us with teh design of monokuma when he had joined. Soon after he had joined he was thrown into such despair he could not longer take it so he took his own life. That was all part of Junkos plan though. Since Mikan was the shsl nurse and kazuichi was teh shsl mechanic she had them take some of his parts and put them into a monokuma. So that he would still be on the side of despaire
( read the one above for more context) - Since Junko died in the first game and monokuma is still working even though he was controaled by junko monokuma is really part human
- After a killing game is over monokuma will makes graves for each person who died outside of hopes peak. Each will have a grave mark saying how they died, what time, and there friends and family. On top of the grass where the boys was placed monokuma will leave a single flower each day at every grave and the color would be what color there eyes were with a white center.
- Even though monokuma seems like he hates being touched he loves hug because it makes him realize someone does care about him. He only makes it look like he hateds being touched so he seems more threting twords the others
- Even though Monokuma make the students kill each other he does care deeply about each and every one of them but just does not show it. So when one dies he gets really upset but refuses to show how he truly feels about it to all the others. Then when he has to exactue one he feels eve worse doing it since he would have the student died.
- Before a student would be exacuted he would try to comfert each person before they died so they would be happy before there death. He would also say sorry to each one of the mand tell them why he cared about them and how much it hurt him to do this to them.

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