When they realized they liked you

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- Wouldn't realize he liked you untill he was madly in love.
-He had know idea what to do. (We all know that he is terrible with their kind of stuff.)
-go to leon for help

- Never knew he did untill someone pointed it out. Or when he asked Mondo what that feeling is
- He would blush around you ALL the time
- Sometimes he would stutter

- Wouldn't believe he was in love
- Freaked out when he realized and accepted he was in love
-kept it to himself
- If you touched him he would blush a bit

- He realized he didn't have feelings for Soina and it was for you.
- Blushes when you compliment him
- Trys to impress you alot

- Thought it was something like a curse
- He thought you were the same as him and so he accepted his feelings
- Thought it was adorable when you play with the 4 devas, when you are not looking he would be blushing

- Scared that something bad would happen
- Avoid you a bit scared he would hurt you
- Soon he would start talking to you again
- When be would say he is trash and you tell him he is not he would blush

- A literal mess
- He would flirt but half of the time it would end awkwardly
- would stutter a little bit but not all the time
- blushing mess...

- He was really happy when he realized he liked you
- He would be alot more honest twords you
- Tease you a bit more while hinting that he likes you
- Would invite you to join D.I.C.E.

- System overload
- Try to see why he feels like this
- question himself he can love others
- go to Miu for explaining
- He was super excited when he finds out he can feel love for others
- Shy twords you
- he would blush alot
- stutter a bit to sometimes

hey writer here sorry I haven't updated I have been busy and I have been procrastinating sorry.

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