Chapter 16

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I wake on Sunday smiling. It's ridiculous, really, the way I rolled around my bed, giggling to myself for a good ten minutes. When I finally manage to get up, I change out of my green pajamas and put on soft shorts and a big t-shirt. Looking in the mirror, I stare at myself. I mean, really stare. I usually try not to look too hard at myself in mirrors because I know I will end up hating the way that I look, but today...Today I actually like what I see. I feel confident and...Beautiful. 

I plod to the kitchen, smelling eggs cooking. My mother greets me when I get to the kitchen and I see that she has prepared us a feast. 

"Hey Honey, I woke up early so I made breakfast!"

"Uh...Is anyone joining us? This is, like, a lot of food," I say, raising my eyebrows at her.

She chuckles, surveying the assortment of dishes as well as the pots and pans that are filling the sink. "Well, I had to use up the ingredients so that you have an excuse to go to the store today--oops! I mean, I'm just...really hungry..."

I gape at her. She did not.

"What? Don't you want to see Kuroo? Aren't you two dating? Or doing that weird phase...hmm...what are kids calling it these days...Talking?" She asked me these same questions last night after Kuroo left, but I had fled to my room, face bright red. 

"I don't know what we are. We haven't defined anything yet. Ugh, you're crazy for doing this, but yeah, I guess I do want to see him today."

She smirks at me, "See? Mom knows best."

I laugh and we sit down to eat the ridiculously large breakfast together. 


I decide to spend a few hours on schoolwork because I wasn't able to work on much on Saturday because I was at Kenma's. I decide it's time for a break when I've gotten the same chemistry problem wrong for the fourth time. Time for Google to save my ass!

I get up, grab my purse, and head to the store. For obvious reasons. Kuroo texted me good morning today, but not much else. I know it's because he's working and he's enough of a rule-follower that he wouldn't risk getting in trouble at work, but I'm feeling clingy and I miss him. Is that pathetic?

I listen to music on my walk to the store, opting for some band that I remembered Kuroo mentioning. It's shit, but I decide to give it a few songs before I give up completely. By the time I get to the store, I'm feeling a bit giddy. 

I practically run inside, eyes going straight to the register. And there he is, the complete image of perfection. Tall, dark, and handsome. Okay, he does look a little nerdy in the work uniform, but I love it. He's with a customer, so he doesn't see me, but just looking at him brings a smile to my face. 

I grab a basket and start to check things off my list. There's a lot to buy; I'm not actually sure how my mother managed to use so many ingredients for our breakfast. By the time I'm done shopping and am making my way to the register, I know Kuroo has spotted me. His eyes track me as I walk toward him, drinking up the sight of me. My toes curl in my shoes.

"Hey..." I say, a little shyly, setting my basket on the counter.

"Hey," He says, smiling. "Long time no see."

"Yeah, my mother made a huge breakfast and ran out of basically everything in our fridge and pantry so, naturally, I had to come to the store to get more stuff."

His smile turns into more of a smirk. "Naturally," He says. "Any other reason?"

I make a show of tapping my chin and looking contemplative. "Hmmm...No! I don't think so! Just here for the food!"

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