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The next morning

My alarm awoke me 6:00 Am

Damnit... I moved my feet, feeling the soft silk sheets under me. The fluffy comforter on top of me, trapping the heat of my half naked body in. the crisp cold, morning air piercing my face.

I forced my eyes open, and tried to focus them. I stared at the blurred ceiling,  forcing my way through the sleepy haze, I was still in. sitting up, my eyes focused on my phone. Stopping the alarm, it allowed my thoughts to flow.

Today i'm moving into the U.A dorms... I don't know whether I am happy or sad, right now I just need to get through the morning.

I got ready for the day.

I walked into my room, and grabbed my luggage, I had packed from the night before.

This is the last time i'm going to be standing in this room for the year... No weekends, no holiday, no me time... Just Training, school friends, and teachers... Damn teachers.

I dragged my suitcase to school.

When I arrived to school it was 7:40 Am.
Aizawa was standing on the stairs to the school, with the class gathered, on the ground in front of him. nineteen students here including me. That means one's missing, hm I wonder who. I walked up to my class.
"so who the hells missing?"
                                             I asked Jirou.
"pfft, who do you think?"
                                "Damn fool."
                                             I mutter
"speak of the devil! Look to your left"
      Jirou said loudly. A few people including me looked over. Coming into the gate, a very angry female Bakugo, dragging a tiny bakugo, with spiky hair, by the ear.
Kirishima screamed from behind me.
"Well i'm be damned"
I said, laughing at bakugo.

"What's seems to be the matter miss Mitsuki?"
Aizawa arrogantly said, obviously not caring one bit.

"Family matters."
Bakugo's mother responded, as she threw Bakugo to the ground. He managed to throw his luggage in front of him to catch his fall.

The class giggled at Bakugo, who looked like he wanted to kill us all.

Aizawa said trying to get our attention.

"Now that we are all here. I will be taking you to where the dorms are located...."

Aizawa started to walk towards the dorms, the class followed.

"Please keep in mind class, there will be inspectors here and heros to make sure everything goes as planned. That means to be on your best behavior Kirishima , Bakugo, and [Y/N]."

The class snickerd at Kirishima, Bakugo, and I. It was mostly at Bakugo but, I still felt really embarrassed because he mentioned me... He didn't have to include me you know...

"The inspectors will leave after lunch, witch is 3:30."

Aizawa said, as we finished walking to the dorm building.

The dorm building was huge. Two towers of dorms, on each side. One for the boys, one for the girls. The center part connected the two buildings tougher.

We entered through the center building. We where immediately greeted to the common area.

The space was huge, having two steep staircases, that rapped into hallways on each side of the building.

There was a patio parallel to the main entertainment. The chandelier hung low, in the middle of the common area. The dorms also had, a fully equipped kitchen, and a dining hall.

Aizawa and the class stood in the middle of the building.

"Here are your dorm keys, and numbers. The boys on the left, the girls on the right.
You have until dinner tonight to decorate your room. I won't be making it for lunch but, i'll be back for dinner witch is at... "

Aizawa said, as he began to read off the girls names first, handing keys to each one of us.

"Mina, Jirou, Asui.... "

I wonder what theme my room is going to be?... I don't want a boring one, like the one at home. Plus this place is luxurious i'm sure the size of my room is twice as big oi... As my old- Oi... One!

Oi, [Y/N]
~Todoroki was calling me.

I asked him, confused on why he's interrupting my thoughts. Maybe he can read my mind or something.

"sensei has called you three times, I as well. Pay attention."

I looked up at sensei, the whole class was staring at me. I had to be polite...

I bowed down.

"I'm sorry sensei for not paying attention I will for now on"

I lifted my body up, and walked forward towards my teacher.

I had my head down, and stopped in front of aizawa. All I could see was his hands, they where empty. Where was my key? I was forced to look up at him. He had waited for me to do so because, of the smirk he had. We immediately made eye contact. His strong blood shot eyes, piercing back into mine. The longer I stared, the more I lost my reality.

How long have I been looking into this mans eyes? My body was getting hot, my heart racing. I couldn't look away from his gaze.

He finally broke the tension by, holding out my dorm key. I grabbed ahold of the key it wouldn't budge.

"i'm glad you're finally being nice to me [Y/N]."

Aizawa said and smiled. I snatched my key from his grip and walked away to my room. He just did that to make fun of me. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.. I walked up the stairs, and wondered down the girls hall lost in my thoughts.

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