Chapter 5: The House On the Haunted Hill Part 3

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*Rikke's POV* 

I stormed down the stairs, with the files that were thrown out the window in hand. I knelt down beside my bed, ripping the covers off and spreading the papers. Everyone followed my actions, as Lukas, England, surprisingly Vlad, and Ludwig knelt down beside me, searching the files. 

"She wouldn't have thrown these files out the window if they weren't important." I acknowlegded. "There's something that we're missing." 

Vlad spoke, "What if the spirits wanted us to think that so we would waste time?" 

"Spirits aren't big on playing games." Arthur reassured. "The answer is right here in front of us." 

"Wait, hold on." Lukas lifted a newspaper clipping. "After months of children disappearing, they have stopped. Coincidentally after the cops prime suspect Arnold Martin, the owner of the orphange, went missing as well." 

"This used to be an orphanage?" Alfred asked, him now helping us search.

"Yeah, with more than one disappearance." Ludwig answered. "After two years since the disappearances began from Saint Oaks orphanage, the missing girl count is up to forty-eight. Arnold Martin says, "I loved those girls very much. I miss them dearly. I want someone to find who's responsible." It had only been girls so far, of every age, and ethnicity." 

"Guys I found this journal." Alfred held up a brown leather bound journal, with the same colored band tied around it. He untied it, and began reading from the middle. "Ashley is the thirty sixth girl. Her blonde hair was as yellow as daisies. Her screams when I sliced into her were painful to listen to. But Constance said I had to continue. The police are getting extremely suspicious of me. I don't want to do this anymore, but I don't want to lose Constance even more." 

"Okay, who the fucking hell is Constance?" I asked. "Skip to the last page."

Alfred continued, "This isn't in his handwriting. It's a woman's. When we found his shed in the woods, we had to take action. Arnold was not getting away with all those little girls short lives. Myself, and several others of the community took justice and killed him in the attic. As well as hid his body in the walls. He didn't deserve what he took from so many girls, life. I only feel like it's my duty to complete his journal of massacre. Signed, the civilians of Seattle." 

"I guess that's who we were covered in." Mathias commented. 

"Wait, so Arnold is the old man, and there's a shed?" I reviewed. 

"Yep. I guess that might be where they're keeping Taya." Alfred replied. 

"It definitely is." Vlad lifted another sheet. "This paper is from 1724. After months of searching, the witch hunt came to a grisly end. The witch known as Constance Green was found at the house on the top of the hill. As the townspeople set fire to the house, with her inside, Constance broke  the attic window, stating that she would curse every female who tried to take her land to an eternal damnation. Then hung herself. The townspeople buried her by her the shed in the back, where she kept the ingrediants to her black magic." 

"That's where Taya is." Mathias agreed. 

"I'll go bless the attic and expel those spirits from the land. But that will take some time." Arthur told everyone. "It means this hill is going to get violent and dangerous. Do you think you can manage not dying?" 

"I guess we have no other choice." Gilbert said, scratching his neck. 

"We need to go save Taya." I ordered, grabbing Mathias' hand, and taking him upstairs. Vlad followed, which was odd since he was the first one out the door. As I walked out side, something pulled Mathias back, which separated our hands. The door didn't close, but there was an invisible veil keeping them in and us out. 

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