Chapter 2: They don't Exist, Right?

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*Taya's POV*

"Did you hear, girl attacked up at the the old house on the hill. The haunted one. She was about your age, too." One of the regulars at the cafe I worked at told me as I gave him his order of coffee and a sandwich. The man liked being the center of the attention though, so I didn't know if what he was telling me was real or not.

Rolling my eyes I chuckled, "I walk past that old house everyday, and I think that the attack on her was done by humans. I've never seen anything ghostly in that house before."

The man frowned, "Then why does everyone who enter that house never return?"

Sighing I replied, "There are woods behind the house that people get lost in all the time. The people who play pranks on each other go out the back door and wander into the woods and get lost."

"Why haven't any bodies been found by the police or others then?" The man questioned me.

Shrugging my shoulders I answered, "The undergrowth in the woods are insanely thick, and most people don't want to even bother trying to break it down. Police haven't bothered going into it because there is no real evidence that people who go missing in the house go into the woods, or that's what I think. There is no such thing as ghosts, only stupid people who get themselves lost playing pranks."

"If it's like you said then, there should be some proof that the missing people went into the woods shouldn't there." The man pointed out.

Looking at the clock I realized my shift had ended a few minutes ago, and turning back to the man I smiled, "It was a pleasure talking to you, but I have to go now. See you later."

As I walked away the man called out, "Be careful of that house. Don't go into it."

Waving at the man farewell, I went into the back room grabbed my red hoody and book bag before leaving the cafe.


"Be careful of that house. Don't go into it." For some reason the man's warning rang through my head as I stared at the empty house, and with the wind slowly picking up I felt chills for some reason. Shaking my head I muttered, "Get a hold of yourself, Taya. This house is not haunted, and I'm going to prove it."

Striding up to the house I tightened my grip on my book bag and opened the door. Walking through the door I scanned the entryway before continuing on my way to the hallway, and as soon as I reached the doorway of the hallway I heard the door slam shut. Spinning around I saw nothing and sighed, "Just the wind. Don't freak out at every little sound or else if someone actually is in here they'll hear me."

Just as I was about to move I heard an electric buzzing sound, and scanning the walls I saw a camera of the doorway moving from side to side. Ignoring the camera though, I continued on my quick tour of the first floor feeling like something was watching me the entire time. Nothing was out of the ordinary in this old house, so I proceeded back down the hallway to the entry hall. Smiling I whispered to myself, "See this house isn't haunted, and I'm going to walk right out that front door and not get attacked."

Bang! Crash! Boom!

I froze as I heard crashing coming from above me, and calming I turned away from the door and looked at the stairs that seemed to be calling to me to go and investigate the noise. As the sounds continued I put a brave face on before quietly moving up the stairs, I had to find out what the source of that noise was and prove that it wasn't haunted. When I reached the top of the stairs I saw that there was two hallways and following the noise I went to the right, but froze as I felt someone staring at me from the other hallway. Glancing back I saw nothing, but the feeling of someone watching me just grew stronger so I continued down the hallway.

Boom! Thump!

The source of the sound was coming from the room nearest to me, and getting a good grip on my book bag I opened the door. What I saw wasn't what I was expecting, two blonde guys were on the floor, one having a choke hold on the other. The one having the choke hold had a norwegian cross barette in his hair and had baby blue eyes while the one struggling had short spikey hair and blue eyes. The spikey hair one noticed me first and tried to point at me, but the cross guy wasn't even paying attention as he said in a monotone voice, "Why did you take my cell phone, and send flirty texts to Francis?"

Looking between the two guys I started to chuckle bringing both guy's attention to me, but before they could ask me a question someone walked into the room. The newcomer was a girl around my age with black hair and a red streak, rectangular glasses, a broken nose, and was wearing a leather jacket and combat boots. She took a look at the scene and started laughing at the guys.

Figuring that she must know the guys I asked, "Aren't you going to stop them?"

The girl turned to me, looked to the guys, and turned back to me and laughed, "Nope."

If she thought they weren't going to kill each other, and she knew them then why should I interfere? Feeling a chill run up my spine as if someone was watching me again, I turned to the girl and asked, "Is someone else around here because I feel like someone is watching me again."

"Oh, it's probably that ghost bastard that broke my nose," the girl replied.

"Ghost bastard?" I repeated to myself as I tightened the grip on my book bag.

The girl's eyes widened, "So you're not with the boys? Oops." She turned to the two boys who were still strangling each other. "Stop ripping each other's throats out. There's a strange chick here. Is she a ghost, or what?"

The boys actually stopped fighting each other and turned to me, and looked me over. Confused I said, "I'm pretty sure I'm not dead yet. If I am dead, then I have no clue when I did die."

"Good I don't want to deal with anymore paranormal dickheads, and ruin my looks." The girl said relieved.

The spikey haired guy snickered, "You had looks?"

The girl growled, "Shut it, Mathias. Lukas keep strangling him."

At her words Lukas continued strangling Mathias, and I chuckled shaking my head. Turning to the girl I asked, "So what's your name?"

The girl smiled, "Rikke Jensen, Newbie."

"Well nice to meet you Rikke. I'm Taya Carter, Waitress." I said returning the smile. Pulling out my cell phone I sighed looking at the time, "I would love to stay and chat, but I have to head home now. I told my land lady I'd pay my rent today, and I'm going to be late for our meeting if I don't hurry."

Rikke smirked, "Ok, see yah. Just to let you know, I'm putting my bets on Lukas."

I chuckled as I exited the room, and walked to the top of the stairs. Feeling on my neck that my locket was gone, I was about to turn to head back to return to Rikke and the guys when I felt something push me hard. For an instant I felt like I was flying before the pain hit me, and I screamed as I fell down the stairs.

I blacked out as I heard someone calling my name.

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