Chapter 8: Held Under Water Part 2

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It always seems to be me who is horrible about updating, but at least I can slightly blame school and how much it seems to take away from my writing time. The rest of the blame falls upon my shoulders as I seem to enjoy reading more than writing, so I hope whoever still reads this is still interested in this. By the way, Trunks never got around to editing it so if you see any errors then feel free to let me know. ~Goten

~*Taya's Pov*~

The sirens, the flashing lights, and people panicking was bringing back memories that I did not need brought back up. Rushing through the crowd of people that had shown up to see why the police and ambulance were here, I finally got to where Rikke was sitting on the back of an ambulance with a blanket wrapped around her waiting for the paramedic to give her an all clear. When I reached her side I took a death breath to calm myself down before asking softly, "What exactly happened?"

The reason I asked this question because I knew that even though she may not physically be hurt, the mental toll that this would cause would practically rip her apart. I guessed that she would hide her feelings because she wasn't crying, yelling, or screaming. Rikke had a blank look on her face, and it wasn't because she was in shock. Looking up at me with slightly dull eyes she took a deep breath and was just about to speak when I heard a mangle of male voices speaking trying to get through the throngs of people. Turning around I saw that Matthias, Alfred, Lukas, and Vlad half weaving-half pushing through the crowd until they finally got to my side. Matthias had a flurry of emotions showing on his face before he spoke, "The police are not telling anyone what happened, so we need to ask you what happened. The only thing we do know is that one body was taken away by the coroner, and that reporters are swarming like flies around here so we will have to sneak away once you are cleared if you don't want your face on newspapers in the morning."

The thing that almost made me smile in all of this was the way that Matthias was looking at Rikke, he was clearly worried about her though he masked his concern quite well in the way he was speaking and his actions. The only thing he couldn't hide was the look in his eyes. Alfred was more freaked out, "We should have never left you alone. Maybe if I was there, then things would've ended up differently."

Lukas hit him upside the head, "It doesn't matter who was here, there is nothing anyone could have done to avert this incident."

While the actions between Lukas and Alfred drew the attention of Vlad, I saw Matthias lean in to Rikke and whisper something into her ear. She shook her head softly in return, and gave a soft smile to him before connecting eyes with me and nodding to the police officer that was walking over this way. Moving towards the bickering boys, I snapped my fingers in front of their faces. "Behave, there is a police officer walking over this way, and I would rather not want you to get in a fight in the presence of her. If you do I give Rikke permission to hit you."

Apparently the threat of her hitting them was enough for them to settle down enough to not to be a nuisance to the police officer who by this time had arrived to interview Rikke and knowing that she would tell us later I politely requested the boys to block Rikke from the sight of any reporters who were scuttling around like vultures the way they were trying to find the story.  It somewhat disgusted me how interested they were in a story that involved a dead boy, not caring who he was, and just caring about how much money they may make on the story.

Knowing that Rikke didn't need anything else to burden her the boys willingly complied and all except Lukas left her side to play guard dogs against the press. This left me standing between Rikke with Lukas and the circle of boys who were trying to keep the vultures from even getting a glimpse of Rikke who was now explaining the events to the police officer, and I was wondering what I could honestly do to help anyone that was currently around me.

Spiritus Vesceretur (A hetalia fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz