Chapter 3: The House On the Haunted Hill Part 1

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*Rikke's POV*

I heard Taya scream, which made me chase after her, Mathias and Lukas not far behind. I turned the corner, and standing there was the old man, smiling as he waved his boney fingers at me, before disappearing. I froze in fear, unsure of what to make of it.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard one last loud thud. "Taya!" I yelled after her. At the bottom of the stairs she laid, unconscious. Her body sprawled out, bloody and bruised, cuts on certain areas of her body.

I rushed down the stairs, calling Vlad, Alfred, Gilbert, and Arthur to get up here. I had finally reached Taya, checking if her pulse was still there. Thanking the lord as I felt a heart beat, I checked if there was any major broken bones. There didn't seem to be any, but I'm not a doctor.

"Move it." Vlad ordered, to do his check up. Lukas pulled me back, as Alfred, Mathias, Vlad, and Gilbert lifted Taya up, to move her downstairs. Last night we had set up beds and desks for overnight observation. I chased after them without a second thought.

They laid Taya on Vlad's bed, after tearing the sheets and blankets off. Arthur grabbed the first aid kit. All of it was happening so fast, as if I was in a trance. The only thing that broke me out of it was my phone vibrating.

I pulled it out of my pocket, the caller ID said "Dad". Which in my contacts is Kyler. I ran upstairs before answering it.

"Where are you right now?!" Kyler snapped over the phone.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Why?! Because you've been gone all night! Where the fuck are you?!" He continued yelling.

I pinched the bridge of my nose out of frustration. I can't believe I forgot to call home. "I'm at work."

"Work?" He questioned. "You don't have a job."

"I got a job yesterday. That's where I went." I replied.

"Really, what's your job?" He continued.

What was I supposed to say to that? I'm a ghost hunter apprentice. That doesn't say I need to be locked up in an insane asylum. "I'm a research assistant for a couple of friends." Before he could speak again, I decided to give him a piece of my mind. "I'm nineteen years old Kyler. If I want to be gone for the night, I'm allowed to. You don't control my life. I'm allowed to dye my hair, I'm allowed to move out, because I don't have a legal guardian anymore. I'm not gonna be home for awhile so bye."

I turned off my phone, so there would be no more interruptions. When I stomped back downstairs, things seemed to be in disarray. Mathias and Lukas seemed to be arguing about something in the corner. Vlad was tending to the still unconcious Taya. At the same time as Gilbert and Alfred watched the footage, Arthur read his bible. 

"How's she doing?" I asked the brit.  

"Lots of cuts, but won't need stitches. Also a dislocated shoulder." Arthur replied, not looking up from his bible. Until he turned his face to me, green eyes filled with concern. "How are you doing with this love?"

"It's just a reality check." I told him, biting my inner cheek. "Ghosts are real, and there's an afterlife."

"Are you regretting your decision?" He continued. 

"I love living in the dangerous part of life." I answered. "I ride a motorcycle, and have a couple of tattoos. Throw a few ghosts in there, I can say I have no regrets."

"Not just a couple." Alfred interrupted. 

"You got something?" I asked, approaching the computer.

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