Chapter Seven: Deafening Silence

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"Hey kid, wanna make a deal? You can give me your soul and I can bring your brother back from the dead." Christopher doesn't lift his head from his hands and instead, he shrinks away from the boy hovering over him.

Joe Klinsey's lips twitch downwards with displeasure. After a second they curl back upwards, revealing his teeth. "Stop your whining; it's hurting my head." He hisses, crouching down beside the young teen. "And ignoring me is mean. You don't want to make me angry, do you?"

"Go to hell." Christopher mumbles through his fingers, his voice slightly muffled.

Joe grins a grin that could send the grim reaper running. "This world is a hell." He says, "And there is no escape."

"What do you want from me?" Christopher whispers, dropping his hands. They fall limply onto his lap and he stares at the intricate network of veins decorating his pale, mud caked skin.

"Do you want me to be honest?" Joe inquires, straightening his figure. His joints snap into place with a horrifying crack.

"No." Christopher replies, "But it's not like you're going to listen to what I have to say because you do whatever you please."

"That's true."

Christopher looks up at him and he can't help but notice how out of place Joe looks. The forest around them is a puzzle and Joe is a wrong piece.

"I wanted Christian to die and I want you to die." Joe's smile is an unsheathed blade. "I want the world to burn. I want...destruction."

"What is wrong with you?" Christopher leaps to his feet, flailing his arms as he trips over a tangled root in the process. "Y-you're insane!"

"And you realize this now?" Joe moves toward Christopher, not as a steady advance but with slow and careful steps. "You messed with the unknown. You and your brother ruined everything."

Christopher spins on his heels and begins to run. Stray roots latch onto the cuffs of his pants and low branches grab at his shirt. His heart is a drum, it's beats driving needles into his ears. He can feel the eyes of the Watchers on him, silently observing from the shadows.

They want his blood spilled so they will not lift a finger in his favour. They will watch him die. And they will enjoy it.

Adrenaline pumps through his veins and his breath escapes his lips in short and ragged gasps.

A hand locks around his wrist and Christopher is jerked back. A second hand clamps over his mouth, rendering him incapable of screaming. He is pulled into a cluster of trees. He digs his teeth into the hand over his mouth, gagging when the metallic taste of blood explodes as he cuts through the skin. The hand is pulled away.

"Stop that! Or do you want him to kill us both?" A familiar voice hisses into his ear and Christopher allows his body to become languish. He turns and sees Aven ruefully wiping his bloodied hand on his pants, leaving thick red stains. "I'm bleeding." Aven says matter-of-factly, "It could be lethal."

Christopher scowls at the boy but a 'thank-you' makes it's way to his lips. Aven shrugs.

"A favour for a favour." Is all he says.

The silence that follows is deafening, broken only when Christopher takes a shuddering breath. "Christian in dead."

"I know." There is no sympathy in Aven's voice, no grief, nothing. He says it almost as if Christian was a stranger instead of a friend. Like all the good adventures they had was an utter waste of his time.

"Can Joe really bring him back?" Christopher inquires and Aven tenses. The straightforwardness of the question seems to unnerve him.

"Did he say that?" The brunette's green eyes flash with something unreadable.

Christopher nods. "If I give him my soul..."

"It's not that easy." Aven replies and all hopes Christopher had prior to this conversation begins to disperse like smoke in the wind.

"Oh." Christopher says, and Aven frowns.

"Don't tell me that you were actually considering his offer." There is an accusing tone in Aven's voice and Christopher drops his shoulders into a shrug. An exasperated sigh tumbles past Aven's lips and he lifts his red-stained hand to massage his temple. Deep crimson streaks his skin. "God dammit Chris, you know how Joe works. He lies. He tricks people in order to get what he wants. If he ever gets his hands on you, you better wish that he kills you fast or else living will be worse than hell."

"But Christian---"

"Is dead. And you should be glad that he went without any pain." Christopher jerks back as if Aven's words slapped him. His vision blurs as he fights back tears.

"He can't be dead." The words fall past Christopher's lips in a choked whisper.

"But he is." Aven replies, "And we have to do something about Klinsey or else we'll end up dead as well."

A whimpering sound evolves at the back of Christopher's throat. A harsh breeze flies past them and he shivers, goosebumps decorating his skin. Aven doesn't acknowledge the cold and instead he eyes the younger teen curiously.

"All you humans are strange." He says, "You are all willing to sacrifice your lives for someone you love, money for packets of powder, a limb for a stranger's smile---"

"I wouldn't go that far Winters."

"You might."

They lapse into a tense silence; Christopher can feel the pressure in his ears. How long they stood there, neither of them can tell. It feels like an eternity before Aven huffs and saunters off, leaving Christopher alone with only the creaking trees and whispering winds for company.

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Aven???? What are you doing talking to Christopher in this flashback?????

I swear I updated this two weeks ago but when I checked, it was never published so sorry guys for the EXTRA long wait...I swear I published this!!!! gaaaaah damn computer >.<

awwwww poor Christopher wants his brother back!!!!!! The pic is of Joe Klinsey (Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace was the closest i could find to what I imagined he looked like)

Keep tuned guys, in the next chapter we learn a few dark secrets that Christopher is hiding.......

You all deserve countless hugs for your patience :)

Again, I am so sorry guys.



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