Chapter Eleven: A Hellish Tale

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*unedited chapter*

There is a moment of astonished silence before both Cif and Aven begin speaking at once.

"You don't have a sister. I would know--"

"That's impossible! Luke is my brother! Who are you? Who are you?"

Joe raises his hands wearily. "Children--"

"I'm not a child." Aven snaps, "And I'm older than you."

"Cif," Joe does not acknowledge Aven's comment. The kindness in his voice hurts; he sounds nothing like the boy who had been haunting her dreams. "You mean mom didn't tell you?" The way he says the word 'mom' is like a stab in Cif's heart; he says it bitterly, almost as if the word is poison on his lips.

"He's lying." Aven leans to the side and spits, delicately, onto the ground. "That's how he works Cif, don't believe a word that passes through his lips. He's not your brother, Luke is. You're not his sister. He's a bastard. A monster."

Joe listens to this short speech with a smolder of fury sparking his amber eyes gold. "Well," he says slowly, "I expected better from my sister's boyfriend."

"I'm not her boyfriend." Aven says.

"Oh?" Joe raises an eyebrow, "So you're just friendly with everybody, is that it?"

"Stop changing the subject." Aven's voice rises and drops a few octaves as he fights to control it. Cif had never seen him look so angry. "What do you want from us?"

Joe raises his chin defiantly. "I don't have to tell you anything."

"But are you going to tell us? How you're Cif'" Aven inquires, the word 'brother' dripping off his lips with venom.

Joe parts his lips, his teeth gleaming. He stares at them, his pale lashes skimming the half-moons under his eyes, "Why not?" He replies inquisitively. His eyes slew to Cif and their gazes lock. His eyes are golden chips.

"The truth is, Mom grew up in Hawk Point. When she was old enough, she was sent to school. It was there that she met our Dad.

He was older than her by a year. By far the most popular boy in school. He was handsome, clever, rich, dedicated. Mom was nothing---neither rich nor brilliant. He was a natural at everything; she was not. She thought sometimes about running away, returning home in shame. She was that miserable.

It was Dad who saved her. He came to her room---she'd never even thought he knew her name. He offered to help her. He said he knew that she was struggling, but in her he saw the seeds of a marvelous person. He took her under his wing. She worshipped him. She thought that the sun rose and set on Dad. She wasn't the only misfit he'd rescued, of course. There were others. Christian Hansen, who got along better with books than he did people; Mildred Dawson, who was looked at as a freak because of her physic skills. Dad brought them all under his wing. And there were more. Many more. I thought that it was kindness; now I am not so sure. Now I think he was building himself a cult.

Dad was obsessed with the idea of demons and angels. He was sure that if he could summon angels, they could help forge a new world. One without murder or greed or death. To some of the students this idea was sacrilege---people just don't do that sort of stuff. Somehow he convinced his little group of his rightness. They formed The Watchers, with their stated intent of 'cleansing' the world of evil.

Mom and Christian where like brother and sister and even though they didn't approve of Dad's ideas, they still stood by him.

Then, Dad's best friend was killed in a freak 'accident.' When Dad returned to school, he was different. His kindness was now replaced with flashes of rage bordered on cruelty and the only one who could calm his rages was Mom. She had always stood a little apart for the the group and that changed when his friend died. They fell in love.

When they left school, they got married at the age of nineteen, and the Watchers continued. It had started as a school adventure but it slowly grew in scale and in power.

What happened next was that Mom became pregnant. The day she told Christian that, she also confessed that she had grown afraid of her husband. His behavior became wierd, erratic. He would constantly write in large journals, locking himself in his study every night. She would hear screaming through the walls...

Christian asked Dad about it and he laughed it off, blaming her beliefs on a hard pregnancy. That night, he told Christian to meet with him in the woods. Told him that it was a meeting for the Watchers. That night, Dad killed him. He told mom that Christian commited suicide.

When mom gave birth to her first child, she forgot about Christian. Instead she gave her son to his brother, Christopher, in attempt to keep him away from her husband's insanities. At the age of thirteen, her son went missing. Thirteen days later, they found his body in the woods. Thirteen days after that, Dad died. They found him in his study with a jagged gash through his neck, a pentagram painted on the floor with his own blood. A journal was opened on the desk, four words scrawled across the paper: He is not dead.

Mom told Christopher that she was going to leave Hawk Point. It was because she was carrying a second child, a daughter. She would make a new life for her and her baby, she wanted no whisper of death and demons ever to taint her future. She wouldn't tell him where she was going. The farther away she could get from Hawk Point, she said, the better.

He offered to help her, even offered to marry her. He wanted to do something for her and her unborn child but she was persistent. She wanted to leave. Alone. At last, he reluctantly agreed to let her leave. The last words she spoke to him in that dreary airport departure hall was a mirror to the words written in Dad's journal: "He's not dead."

Of course Christopher thought she was reffering to her husband. But she was actually reffering to her son. Me.

She moved to the United States, bought an apartment and even adopted a little boy. Christopher found her by chance, running into her while visiting a friend. The rest you know."

Yjcv ku vjg vtwvj?
Yknn aqw vtwuv c fgoqp???

(The Ceaser Cipher...the hint is to go back two)

Finally! An update! Sorry if it's short; it's probs gonna be the shirtest chapter in the book.

Sorry for not updating sooner, I had a really bad case if writers block *shudders* but it's done now. So sorry if the writing is weird and all over the place, im trying to get back into the zone lol

Comment/vote HAVE A GOOD LONG WEEKEND!!!!!

♡♡♡Zuzanna Miron

Also.....CONTEST!!! (my eng. teacher wants me to be more "interactive" with my readers)

Post your theories below or send them to me!


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