Chapter Fifteen: Devil's Train

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*Unedited chapter*

Cif's eyes widen into circles. Where Dustin was mere seconds ago is a boy with gold eyes.

"Honestly, Cif," Joe says, "The idea that you haven't even noticed me standing here just knocks me out."

Cif's hands tighten into fists. Her words eke out, breathless: "Next time you want to be knocked out, I'll be happy to help you. Maybe with a brick."

Joe makes a tsk noise. "How rude," he hums. Something glints in his hand. A knife?

Cif's voice shakes. "What did you do to Dustin? Where is he?"

"Why? Do you like him?" Joe's eyes gleam, "He seems to like you."

"Shut up." Cif glares at Joe with distaste. "Just..just tell me why you're here."

"You know, you're a skinny little thing." Joe takes her left wrist, and she curls her fingers in, driving her nails into her palm. "Look, my fingers go right around your wrist."

His skin feels hot against hers, sending sharp prickles through her nerves. "Can you please tell me," she says, not looking at him, "what you want?"

"I just want to help you get Christopher back---unless it's already too late."

Her heart dives inside her chest. "It's not too late."

"Not yet." Cif catches the curling edge of Joe's twisted smile. "Which is good because that means he's still alive." He slides his hands swiftly over hers, uncurling her hand. He uses a finger to trace one of the many lines decorating her palms. "The end is approaching," he says melodically, "I would prefer to say that it is the beginning of the end but that line is so cliché."

Cif tries to pull her arm back. "Let me go Klinsey. I mean it."

His hand slides up past her wrist, encircling her upper arm with his fingers. "You're such a little thing," he muses, "But what can you do to save the ones you love?"

Cif leaps back, jerking away from him. "I can do more than you think!"

Joe takes a steady step towards her. He is so much taller than she is, almost as much taller as Aven. He leans in closer to her when he speaks, and his voice is low and rough. "You don't know what you're up against. Do you really think that you will save someone who is already destined to die? It isn't your fault that Christopher messed with the wrong people; he's not your responsibility. Why would you even want to save him? He lied to you your entire life---you were a fool to trust him, little sister. He is on the wrong side." Joe's voice is now dangerously soft, "Forget your 'friends.' Your place is with me. Your blood cries out for power, like mine does. Whatever Aven has told you, whatever he has done to twist your conscience, you know who you are: my sister. Christopher made the wrong decisions. This is your chance to rectify his mistake. Pain is enjoyable, death is beauty. There is art in destruction you know? But of course you do; you're my sister."

A soft explosion goes off in Cif's head, like a dull firework of rage. "I'm not your sister. I'm not like you. We'll find Chris and stop whatever messed up plan you have; you're crazy and I hate you."

Joe looks at her incredulously, his eyes flashing with rage. "You---"

She draws back her right hand, the strongest one, and drives her fist into his stomach. He is taller, broader, and stronger than she is, but she has the element of surprise. He doubles over, choking, and she snatches the silver object from his hand. Then she runs.

Behind her, Joe gives a startled shout and Cif pushes herself to run harder. Where is Dustin? Is he still back there? Should she go back and check? The air is thick, the humidity dragging her down but she can hear Joe running after her. His footsteps are smooth and fast.

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