Chapter Eight: Unraveled Secrets

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 Aven can feel the pull of the dead. 

They cry out to him, their taloned fingers grasping for the hems of his sleeves, their wails driving needles into his ears. They trail him like shadows, calling out to him; they rarely encounter those who can acknowledge their presence and when they do, they are attracted like moths to a flame. Pulling his shoulders to his ears only allows Aven to muffle the sound. The corners of his lips twitch downwards; it is very strange that Christopher Hansen would have ghosts wandering around his house.

"What's wrong?" Cif's voice pull's Aven's thoughts away from the spirits and he notices that he has been scowling bitterly at the ghost a lady who's neck is bent at a strange angle. The lady's blonde hair matches the hue of a thick rope that is slung loosely over the nape of her neck. She pulls her lips back into a horrifying smile and Aven shudders.

"Nothing." He replies, deciding to look at the whitewashed walls instead of the dead. "Did you find anything worth my time?"

"Is anything worth your time?" Cif says in retort. She glares up at Aven with mild amusement.

"Not really." He says, allowing his shoulders to relax. The cries are loud and it takes all of his power to not scream. He pulls a false smile.  "Since I am so stunningly amazing, nothing can really match my expectations." 

A snort escapes Cif and she pulls her gaze away from him. "Who could have done this?" She inquires, inclining her head to the empty book shelves. "You said that a 'friend has returned' so you know who did this, don't you."

"A vague idea actually." The cries evolve into terrifying screams and wails, ghastly noises that cut through the air like knives. The blonde lady now has a thin river of blood escaping from the corners of her mouth but she is still smiling.

"There's nothing here. Let's go." Aven says. He walks through the doorway with long and quick strides, not turning back to see if Cif is following him. The patter of her feet against the wooden floor is all he needs to hear.


"Why can't you tell me?" Cif quickens her pace so that she is walking alongside Aven. He sends her a sidelong glance, pursing his lips into a thin line. Ever since they left the house, Cif can't help but notice how Aven seems to drift into his own world, often scowling before returning back to reality. Something about their visit seemed to unnerve him.

"Tell you what?" He asks and she sighs exasperatedly.

"You know something and you're going to tell me what it is."

Aven raises an eyebrow. "I will?" He inquires and Cif has to resist the urge to smack him. Is he teasing her?

"Yes." She replies. "You love telling me dark secrets and you will tell me everything you know."

He chuckles darkly and rakes a hand through his dark hair, causing it to buzz with static. "You want to know what I know about Christopher? Fine, I'll tell you." His reply stuns Cif and her startled expression causes Aven to chuckle a second time.

"Christopher and Christian did everything together." He says, and Cif lapses into silence. "They were always by eachother's side. They were both born here and they grew up knowing that there was something about this place that made it...different. So being the adventurous twins that they were, they decided to find out what monsters lurked in the shadows at night and what demons walk around unnoticed by the public eye by day. Christian was the first to discover the Dark Watchers, a cult that worships one of the most deadliest demons. They convinced him that what they believed in was what everyone else should believed in. Christian joined the Watchers, believing their venomous lies, and since they were very close, Christian made Christopher join as well. Slowly, they realized that the Watchers are corrupt and they tried to end it all. Christian got captured and killed almost instantly and Christopher barely escaped. And...." 

His voice fades away, almost as if he wants to add something but is afraid to. He shakes his head. "And that was it."

"You're not telling me everything." Cif says slowly, her mind making slow progress in processing what she just heard. Christopher was part of a demon-worshipping cult? 

"Since when were you so smart?" Aven asks and Cif glares at him, the blood rushing to her cheeks. "Cute." Aven says, his lips turning upwards.  "You're blushing. That means that you must like me."  

"The hell!" Cif's hand flies out and makes contact with Aven's arm. He gasps and looks at her, cradling his arm.

"Ouch." He says, feigning pain. "You hurt me. Now I don't think that I could ever date you."

Cif's cheeks darken and she has to sudden urge to pull his hair out. She scowls bitterly and crosses her arms over her chest with a huff.

"Can you at least tell me the name of the demon?" She asks.

"The demon?" Aven echoes, all humor diminishing from his voice. Cif dips her head into a nod.

"The Dark Watchers worshipped a demon, right? Who was it?" The silence that follows is tense and Cif risks glancing at Aven  from the corner of her eyes. His lips are pursed, like he is contemplating whether he should tell her or not.

"His name." Aven's voice is low, almost as if he is afraid that speaking the name will summon the demon from hell. "His name is Joe Klinsey."

Zevm rhm'g sfnzm hl dszg rh sv?????

whoo hoo!!!!!! secrets are revealed...BUT NOT ALL OF THEM!!!! There is a LOT left to uncover!!!!!!

So I want to know what you guys think about Aven. He's obviosly not human so what is he??? And what is he hiding?

I find Aven and Cif dialouge really fun to write btw :)  

The pic is of Christopher and Christian (Cole and Dylan Sprouse guys!!!!)

oooooooooooh and we kinda find out who Joe Klinsey is......or do we?????? LOL I'm being mean now, sry guys >.<

also sry if it was short but I think that it had a lot of stuff going on so..........

XxxxxxxxX Next update will be up soon, it's almost done :)

:) ZuzannaMiron

don't forget to vote/comment :)

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