chapter Nine: Magnetic

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         Cif's steps feel lucid, almost as if her feet is gently skimming the ground without making any actual contact. Joe Klinsey is a...demon? Her mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, all battling for dominance. Was Christopher really part of a demonic cult? Well that explains how he knows who Joe actually is. But what about The Watchers? Are they still out there, watching our every move? That thought sends a ripple of cold down her spine. And what about Aven? What exactly is he hiding? She glances at Aven with her  peripheral vision. His eyes are locked onto the ground but his lips move to form phantom words that is inaudible to the ear. He is definitely hiding something...


        Mildred's living room is a mixture of old and new: A glass picture window looks out onto a small cluster of trees---now shadows since the sun had slipped entirely past the horizon---and there is music playing from a stereo that Cif cannot see. But there is no television, no laptops or stacks of DVDs or CDs, the sort of detritus Cif associates with modern living rooms. Instead, there is a number of overstuffed couches grouped around a crackling fireplace.

        Seated on the couches are two teenagers Cif has never seen before, a girl and a boy.  The girl is slender and stately with glossy red hair curled into little ringlets and a cunning expression. Her face is narrow, with sharp cheekbones and a pointed chin. The black-haired boy beside her is about Aven's height but seems taller, despite being seated. He is lean and muscular with a pale elegant face and delicate features. His eyes are like dark emeralds that reflect like glass. Cif can't help but stare; there is something strangely familiar about him, as if she met him before.

The girl speaks first, "Is this your new girlfriend Aven? She doesn't seem like your type." She looks Cif up and down as if she is taking her measurements. Cif ducks her head toward the ground in a weak attempt to hide her blush behind a curtain of hair. The girl tilts her head to the side. "You two are cute though."  The boy makes a choking sound from the back of his throat.

"Forgive her. She may look like and angel but her manners is one of a two-year-old." He says, sending Cif a smile. With a grunt, he brings himself to his feet. He extends a hand to Cif and they shake. The touch of his fingers sends jolts of electricity running through her. "My name is Dustin. Dustin Lucif. And this is Emily Dawson. Emily---"

"I don't shake hands with humans." Emily shrinks back into the sofa cusions.

Dustin's smile drops. "Emily---"

"You're not human?" Cif inquires. Emily takes a sharp breath but says nothing in reply.

"Her mother's a physic." Aven says, speaking for the first time since they entered the room. "Very human, only...unique."

Emily scoffs. "Still better than what you are, Winters." she says in retort. Aven shrugs and drops an eye into a flirtatious wink.

"You know you love it."

"Shut up Aven." Dustin says, flopping back onto the couch. "She's obviously not interested."

Aven raises an eyebrow. "Is someone jealous? You know, if you wanted my attention, you could have asked for it."   Dustin glares at Aven lazily; the is not real fire behind his green eyes.

"Yes," He says, his tone dripping sarcasm. "I adore the fact that you are so conceited and I just love how you constantly flirt with every female in your line of sight."

"Brilliant." Aven flashes Dustin a smile. "Saturday night it is. I'll be picking you up at eight."

"You two are both dumb-asses." Emily mutters, rubbing her temples in exasperation. Her fingernails are coated with thick, black nail polish.

"Be nice Emily." Mildred has been standing in the shadow of the corridor doorway, unnoticed by the small group of teenagers. She moves forward now, away from the dark hallway and into the harsh living room lights. They illuminate the lines of exhaustion that seems to draw her face down.

A tight smile tugs at Emily's lips. "Oh hi mom, didn't see you there." Mildred studies Emily dubiously before slewing her gaze to Cif and Aven.

"Luke is upstairs if you're wondering." She informs Cif. "He's asleep."

Cif dips her head into a nod. If Mildred is Emily's mom, and Aven said that her mom is a physic, that means...

"I'll show her to her room." Aven's voice cuts through Cif's thoughts and before she knows it, Aven has her by the elbow and is leading her up a network of stairs.

She yanks her arm away from him. "You don't have to hold onto me like I'm a baby." She snaps, rubbing the skin where his fingers made contact.

"Well, I was just trying to help a damsel in distress." Aven says, pulling a lopsised grin.

"I am in no need of rescuing." Cif says in retort. The stairway is so narrow that their arms are pressed against one another. His skin is icy cold.

The second story is dimly lit and the faint smell of lemon laundry detergent lingers in the air. "Your room is the second on the left. The first one is Luke's."

"Thanks." Cif moves toward the door but is stopped when Aven grabs her wrist gently.

"There's more." He says in a hushed whisper. The words causes miniature pinpricks of ice to lock Cif's joints in place. "Christian...people say that he didn't really die. People say that he's a Watcher. They say that he has Christopher." 

"That's absurd." Cif's voice is a mirror of Aven's; a low whisper. "There is a grave with his name on it. Christopher even said so himsef: Christian is dead."

"You're too innocent." He leans forward, his face mere inches from Cif's. She can feel his warm breath hitting her skin and she silently thanks the darkness; he cannot see the blood rushing to her cheeks. Aven chuckles, "I like it."

gsv vmvnb rh xolhvi gszm blf gsrmp.
Sv rh dzgxsrmt blf irtsg mld....


The pic is Aven played by Kevin Zegers!!!!! (If that's how you spell it :p)

Sorry if it was short and boring; it's more of a filler chapter for the BIG things I have planned....

And we have Dustin and Emily. What do you guys think of them?

Sorry if this chapter is short...I'm going to start making them longer.




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