Chapter Twenty: Room Of Angel

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Luke turns to dash out of the room, Emily's fist striking air as she stumbles forwards, momentarily thrown off balance due to the momentum of the swing.

He has no illusions of escape since Emily is much more larger and faster than he is. He can hear Emily's feet loud on the wooden floor behind him, and he puts on an extra burst of speed, almost hitting a wall. He just needs to find a weapon or something to use in his defense. Maybe a vase or---

Emily's fist closes on the back of his shirt, jerking him backwards. He gasps as she slams him against the kitchen counter, knocking the air out of his lungs. She glares down at him, and her lips curl into a sneer.

"Did you actually think I will let you get away?" she asks. She leans forwards, and whispers into his ear, her breath tickling his skin, "But you did try. Not that it really matters though. Do you really think that there is somewhere where I cannot find you in this damned town?"

Luke shakes his head mutely. The cordless phone begins to ring and Emily turns to it, frowning. Taking this moment of distraction to his advantage, Luke raises his hand and slaps her across the face. The sound ricochets across the house, his palm stinging. In her surprise, Emily's hold on him loosens and Luke jerks away from her, making for the door---

And she appears before him, grabbing his arm and swinging him around. His feet goes out from under him and his back connects with the ground, his lungs emptying of air.

Emily's grin is diabolical. Gone was the calm, bitter girl who would spend hours talking on the phone with her friends. Her eyes are a fathomless black, no pupils, like endless tunnels. "What's wrong Luke? You look angry."

He could barely catch his breath. "I think...I almost finger slapping your...pathetic face." He shows her his finger---just one of them; the middle one.

"Adorable." Emily snorts sarcastically, "You know how I knew you and Cif would betray us? Lie to us? How I knew that you were pretending to be innocent? Because you two are too much like him. You two infiltrated us. You faked your trust and friendship. You never really cared."

"I never faked anything and niether did Cif. She actually cared about Aven."

Luke sees something flash in her eyes, a dark resentment, and he isn't even sure who she is resenting.

"You two are liars," Emily murmers, "You screwed us up, just as Klinsey wanted you to."

He tastes acidic bile in his throat, "I'm not working with Joe," Luke says, "I never even met him."

"Those words are lies; I can see through them as easily as I can see through glass! You think that I would actually believe you? When the moment you and your sister walked into this house I knew. I can see it in the way you walk, the way you talk and the way you observe silently. Not only do you two look like him, you two act like him. I can sense the evil in your blood, the blood that cries for suffering and death. The same blood that runs through the demon's veins."

Luke looks at her through narrowed eyes. "I always thought you were just plain mean," he says, "But I didn't know that you are out of your freaking goddammed mind."

"I don't think there's anything crazy about this. I'm doing this to protect the ones I love from monsters like you."

"You have no proof."

Emily makes a dismissive sound from the back of her throat. "I don't need proof."

"You can't assume that I'm in league with Klinsey based on some stupid speculation."

The look in Emily's eyes freezes Luke in place. "Like my dearest mother, I can sense a person's aura based on their bloodline," she says curtly, "And your blood is tainted."

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