You cause me pain when you call my name

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"I've known Harry for a long time. You've got to remember that. And I remember when he came and he was 5, he was this scared and was definitely under fed. We never really knew what happened between him and Voldemort, but he often would have lessons with him and come to my room crying. We were best friends, and he would tell me these horror stories that I don't wish to recall. But Voldemort treated him like you would expect, he didn't like Harry questioning him and the name he was given. Harry always asked about his parents and one day Voldemort had enough. He found this spell that at the mention of a word will send the recipient pain. Harry was taught to learn to not respond to the pain, but it still effects him, and with a cruel way Voldemort put the word as 'Potter' And recently Harry has been under a lot of stress and I gink his mask is finally slipping from all the pain he's in. Don't call him Potter, please." Draco had tears dripping down his face as he looked towards the shocked faces of the adults in front of him as they processed what they just heard. Draco turned and fled the room going after Harry.

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