It is Positive 🍼

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*Y / N POV*
With a scared expression I looked at the test and was expecting a no. I looked at it and my eyes widen and my mouth suddenly opened in shockness. Tears slide down from my red eyes.

Y / N: It is positive.

I mumbled. I held it in my hand tightly as I lay down and start crying in my pillow.

After a few minutes I calmed down and stood up. I took all my courage and went to my mother. As I went out I saw my mother sitting there watching a TV show. Tears filled again as I walk towards her and sit beside her. She looked towards me and immediately hugged me.

Y / N mom: What happened?

She asked softly.

Y / N: I am sorry. Please forgive me. I am so sorry. Please....

I cried more.

Y / N mom: Calm down. Ok? Tell me once you are fine. Shh....

She rubbed my back. While calming me down. After a few minutes I finally stopped crying. I looked at her. She flashed me a smile.

Y / N mom: Are you better?

She asked reassuringly. I nodded and took out the test from my pocket. I took a glance before tightly closing ny hand.

Y / N: I have to tell you s-something.

I stutter.

Y / N mom: What happened? Is everything ok?

Y / N: I am afraid you'll get mad.

Y / N mom: *chuckles* Of course I won't unless it makes me really upset.

Y / N: Ok.

I took out the pregnancy test and handed it to her. She took a look at it before hugging me. I were surprised as I also flinch. I thought she would be mad.

Y / N mom: Congratulations. Who's the father?

She asked me calmly with a hibt of happiness.

Y / N: You aren't mad?

Y / N mom: No. Well to be honest, I already knew. You had morning sickness and all so I understood. I did get mad at first but then thought that one day you are going to have a family too and what will be the difference of then and now. So I am happy for you. Remember I support you and you will be a great mother. But who is the father?

You were in tears by her words.

Y / N: Thank you mom. Jungkook's the father.

I say nervously.

Y / N mom: So when are you going to tell him?

Y / N: Soon but not today. But what if he doesn't accept me and our child?

Y / N mom: Don't worry. He will accept the both of you after all he loves you so much. It is his child to and if he still refuses, I will help you raise the child.

She said with a warm smile. I smile back and hug her tighter than ever.

Y / N: Thank you so much.

Y / N mom: You're welcome but when are you going to tell your siblings?

Y / N: I don't know. I will just tell them tonight.

Y / N mom: Ok. But tell them if you are comfortable or we can keep away from them until you are comfortable.

Y / N: No. I want to tell them.

Y / N mom: Ok. Now go get ready.

Y / N: Why?

Y / N mom: We need to go to the hospital and need a check up.

I nodded and went to change.

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