Chapter 4

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This section/part had completely disappeared from Wattpad, I'm so glad it was still in my AO3 drafts or I was screwed. Anyways please ignore the fact that I know nothing about pregnancy doctor's appointments and tried to do my best research.
The Next Week

Joe was out with Rachel girl again, so that meant both Gwil and Rami could come with him. Ben felt nervous, but the other two kept telling him everything would be fine.

Gwilym was the one to drive him to the doctor's office, knowing which one to drive to. Once they arrived, Gwil parked the car and turn off the engine.

"Okay, we're here." Ben gulped and took a deep breath in.

"I don't know if I can do this." Both of the other boys stared at him.

"Yes, you can. It's funny, you said the same about telling Brian and Roger but you still told them. We will pull you out of the car if we have to." Rami joked, making Ben smile.

"Okay." They all got out of Gwil's car and walked up the building. Gwilym was the first one in and up to the secretary's desk.

"Appointment for Benjamin Jones." Ben awkwardly stood behind the alpha, watching the secretary type away on her keyboard.

Everything was silent except for the clicking of the keyboard, it made Ben feel anxious. He didn't like this.

"Alright, have a seat and we'll be with you shortly. Also, I'm going to ask you to fill some of these out and all you have to do is give them to the nurse when they call for you." Gwilym gave a kind smile and said his thanks.

The three of them took their seats, Ben in the middle. Gwil gave the clipboard to Ben and let him fill out all his information. It was just the basics...for now.

He hated filling these out and felt dumb when he had to ask either of them for help on some questions. They were more than happy to help him.

Ben was just so glad he had the other two there with him: one, for moral support and two, to help him fill out the paperwork. His brain couldn't focus and paperwork is hard enough already.

Within ten minutes, his name was called.

"Do you want us to come back with you?" Gwilym innocently asked, Ben's face said it all though. Rami and Gwil followed the boy back. They checked Ben's weight, height, and other things before they were sent back to their room.

They took their seats again once in the room. Ben had to answer a few questions for the nurse, but after that, they were left alone.

Not a minute later, there was a knock at the door and the doctor entered.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Smith, I'm guessing you are Mr. Jones? Am I right?" She could tell it was him just by the nervous look on his face while the others seemed calm. Ben nodded, this lady seemed nice. He had a good feeling about her.

"I heard from the call that was made to set your appointment that you're pregnant. Congratulations! We're just going to ask you to take a few tests to make sure if that's okay with you."

Tests...Ben hated tests, blood work especially. He's going to have to pee in a cup, isn't he?

"Yeah, I'm fine with that." The Doctor smiled then looking over at the alpha.

"Is this your alpha?" Ben and Gwilym slightly laughed. They both could tell why she was mistaken. Gwilym was Ben's alpha in a way, he was looking over him.

"Oh no, I'm mated to someone else. I'm just a friend. So is Rami here." Gwilym explained politely. It was just a common mistake. It didn't bother him.

Unexpected ☆ HardzelloTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang