Chapter 1

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I hope this is good and you enjoy it! Also there is smut in this chapter so warning just in case.

As long as Ben could remember, his family was full of Alphas and Betas, not a single omega male in the seeable bloodline.

They were pure and strong according to his father, not weak. Omegas , especially male, were weak. So when Ben finally came off age and was expected to be an alpha, his first heat hit him.

The revolting look on his fathers face when he returned home. The screams of how he was a disgrace to the family and the bloodline was now impure. The marks left on his body after his father beat him. It's something that haunts him. He didn't ask to be an omega.


Gwilym was woken up by the knocks on his hotel door. He groggily sat up, his eyes blurry from just waking up. He rubbed them and looked around the room. Rami was still asleep in his own bed across the room. He must have been in a real deep sleep or Gwilym was just a light sleeper.

The first bit of light lightly shined in through the crack in the curtains.

He threw his feet over the side of the bed and planted them on the carpeted floor. He pushed up off the bed and stretched a bit before making his way slowly to the door.

On his way to the door, there were a few more knocks.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Gwilym announced loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.

He unlocked the door and to his surprise, found a nervous, sick looking Ben on the other side. Ben was holding clothes and bottles of shampoo and soap as it looked like.

"Gwil, can I borrow your shower please?" The blond frantically asked, looking if he was about to cry. Gwil nodded.

Gwilym was protective over the omega, not dominance wise but just ask you would want to protect any friend.

"Yeah come in. Are you okay, Ben?" He asked the blond, stepping aside letting him in during the process. The blond didn't reply and Gwil caught a whiff of something as he walked by.

"Ben, your scent, you smell like your heat and... an alpha? What happened?!" Though he was whispering, his concern was loud. He grabbed the young omega and turned him around. Ben averted his gaze and stared at the floor. Tears began to slowly run down his face and drop off his chin.

"I'll explain once I get out." His voice broke as he spoke, Gwil could tell something bad had happened.

Gwilym hoped and prayed that he hadn't been raped because if Ben was, Gwilym was going to track down the alpha that did it and make him wish he was never born.

"Okay, get cleaned up. I'll be waiting out here, okay?" Ben muttered a quick okay and thanks before entering the bathroom.

Gwilym sat down on his bed and picked up his phone checking his notifications. His brain was trying to connect so many thoughts as he waited on Ben. He was scared, he didn't want Ben hurt.

During this time, Rami decided to wake up.

"If you're here and I'm here, who's in the shower?" The man himself asked, his voice slightly muffled by the pillow that he had half of his face pressed in as he lied down on his stomach.

Rami must have really been a deep sleeper if the conversation Gwil just had with Ben didn't wake him up.

"Ben, Joe might have been using theirs. Hey, can you do me a favor?" Rami fully lifted his head to look at the British man across from him. His eyes squinted trying to see.

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