Chapter 8

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Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I had writer's block for this story for a long while. Here's the new chapter though, enjoy!
Ben woke up the next morning with a crick in his neck. All the memories flooded back to him and he was ready to go back to sleep. He didn't want to think, feel, or be aware of anything. His heart retched at the thought of Joe rejecting him again.

He needed to accept it, Joe did nothing wrong. He was just being honest. He wasn't Ben's, he was Rachel's. The inter omega in him said that didn't matter, for the sake of their child. Ben wanted him to be his and just his. He couldn't hold a grudge against Joe but he couldn't control it.

"We'll figure this out little one." Ben whispered to himself as he was staring a hole into the wall in front of him.

Ben sat up, waking up Frankie in the process, and stretched. His back ached from most likely sleeping in the wrong position. The sun was just now rising, still a bit dark but light enough to see through the room without the light on.

He doubted that Brian and Roger were awake yet, they probably would sleep in.

Ben made his way downstairs and into the living room. He remembered the bookshelf in the room and decided to just grab a book to read. He didn't want to even look at his phone; he had left his phone upstairs. He settled on a mystery novel that had to have been Brian and brought it back to the couch, where Frankie joined him. He made himself comfortable and opened up the book.

Ben lost all track of time, so invested in the book. The sun was completely risen, rays of sunlight were streaming in through the windows. His attention was so set on the book that he didn't hear the footsteps coming down the stairs and into the room.

"Ah, you're awake and I see you've helped yourself to my books." The soft voice of Roger spoke with a cheerful tone.

"Couldn't go back to sleep and wanted to stay away from technology. What time is it?" Ben had forgotten to check when he woke up this morning, just judging time by the sun.

"Uh, 9:37." Roger said, checking the clock above the couch.

At this point, Ben was nearly finished with the book. Has it been 2 to 3 hours already?

Roger made his way to sit on the opposite side of the couch.

"How's the book?" He asked, while Ben found something to use as a bookmark.

"It's good, I thought it might have belonged to Brian. I had no idea it was yours." Ben eventually just remembered the page number after finding nothing and closed the book.

"Nah, it's mine. One of my favorites, in fact. Brian's more for science fiction or books about space, funny enough." Roger chuckled.

"That's pretty ironic, that's very fitting of him."

"Are you two talking about me?" Brian asked from the doorway, neither had heard him come down. He had to have been extremely quiet.

"Yes, talking about your taste in books." Roger told his mate.

"I have a great taste in books, thank you very much. Now, Ben, how do you like your eggs?"

"Umm, scrambled please." Brian nodded and headed off to the kitchen to make breakfast it seemed. There was a silence after the tall man left and Ben considered picking up the book again.

"How are you feeling?" Roger inquires after seeing the young omega so distraught the night before.

Ben had to think for a moment. He was feeling the worst but he wasn't feeling the best either. He was feeling tired, hungry, and miserable. Basically most of the norm for him.

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