Chapter 6

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Joe watched Ben's behavior the entire next week. Ben's emotions were wayward. One minute, Ben was all fine and dandy, then the next Ben could tear you apart. It was extremely haywire. Joe wondered how much stress Ben was under to act like this or was he bipolar and never told anyone? Ben had never acted like this before. Had he lost himself in his role and picking up traits of Roger's? Joe couldn't figure it out.

They were filming the I Want to Break Free scene today. Their schedule and list of scenes they were to film was completely changed. Joe didn't understand that. They just rearranged everything. It was strange. Joe was sitting in the makeup trailer, the makeup artist painting his face. Ben was to his right, his makeup almost done. Rami had been here about a minute ago but had left. All Joe could do was slightly glance at Ben, his makeup was turning out well. He made a very convincing woman, aside from being a little too muscular and broad.

Right now, Ben looked like he was glowing while throwing jokes around with his makeup artist. She laughed, moving around to make sure everything was even. It seemed it was going to be one of those good days.

"And cut!" Singer shouted, actually showing up for once. Ben was still trying to recover after Joe had pulled him down on to him on the couch. The both were dying laughing, enjoying the fun times they were having at this moment in time.

"You know Ben, you've disappointed me with that outfit. Your calves are too muscle." Joe joked as they grabbed themselves some bottles of water. Joe was dying in costume which was layers upon layers. He was dying to get out of it.

"Gee thanks, it's what I get for playing too much rugby." Ben replied, grabbing an apple off the table. He needed some nutrients, feeling a little lightheaded. He prayed his little squiggle wouldn't make him throw this up.

Now in his 12th week, his nausea would be here and there just like his energy. One day he could feel fatigued and the next day he could feel like he just drank 10 energy drinks. Today was one of those high energy days. Today was also one of those days he wasn't mad at Joe, he was actually happy to be in his presence.

Finally getting out of costume felt such a relief to all four of the boys. Not that they didn't like strutting around in drag, every costume was a relief to take off. After standing under all those lights and moving about just increased their body heat, especially for Ben. His body was producing enough heat as it was.

Ben had been feeling more bloated lately and it was so much better when he got to put his loose, comfortable clothes on again. He wasn't showing yet, except for a little pudge forming on his abdomen. You would only notice if he had his shirt off.

He was about to enter his second trimester so that meant he could finally tell others. Lucy and Allen will be able to know. He knew Lucy was going to cry. She was going to be his second alpha to look after him. He could see her now once she knew his two secrets.

Soon, they'd be heading to Ridge Farm to shoot scenes there. Not the actual one but a stand-in set at another farm.

In real life and the script, Roger was pregnant at the time but it wasn't noticeable yet. It's where he first told Brian and everyone else, after they noticed his ongoing sickness. They had been worried and he had been scared.

"Benny~" Ben heard the female alpha's voice ring out as he exited his trailer. Lucy twirled to him and gave him a big hug.

"Hey Luce." He greeted her, hugging her back. It was comforting each and every time he made physical contact, like hugging, with an alpha. It just relaxed him and made him feel a sense of "everything will be okay."

"Would you like to go see a movie with us?" She asked sweetly. Ben loved the idea and agreed. The last time they all went to the movies was for Joe's birthday last month. Had it really been a month since that night? Wow. That was right before his first doctors appointment. Now Halloween is in four days. Ben could hardly believe how fast time had flown.

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