Chapter 3

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I went to my dragons side and pet her head. "You alright girl? Hay! I missed ya too." I said as she licked me. Everyone was just staring at me. Me and Midnight cocked our heads and looked back as she let out a cat like noise. The women and Hiccup came up to me. "Are you guys like not used to new comers?" I said confused. They just stared at Midnight. The women reached her hand out and started to pet Midnight. "Hey woah, woah, woah. Before anybody does anything to Midnight, let's get her wound dressed and then I can tell you more about myself." I said as I stood in front of Midnight. "Alright, I'm just as excited as all of you, but let's not crowd her. Let's get Midnight to the infirmary and see what we can do. Do you want to stay with Midnight? Or do you mind coming with us to talk?" Hiccup told me. "Can we talk in the infirmary with my dragon?" I asked cautiously. "Sure. I know what your feeling about your dragon. Me and toothless have a very strong connection as well. I saved him and fixed his tale so he can fly, with my help of course." He said as we walked to the infirmary. We got to the infirmary and sat down as I showed them the problem. She was missing a tail flap. "Hum we will need a contraption to fix this and get her flying again." A man with a beard and interchangeable hands said. "Stride, this is Gober. He runs a lot around here. Now, while he figures out what we need for her , tell me more about yourself." He said with a smile. "Sure. My mother abandoned me as a child and I was left on a deserted island. I found midnight as a young dragon and she took care of me. Fed me, kept me warm in the winter and so on. We became best friends. We helped each other. I'm not sure what happened to her tail flap, but all I know is that she was stranded without me. But because I didn't have leather or iron to fix her and make a permanent patch, I used leaves and vines. Every time supplies ran out on one island we would fly to another, but I guess her tail gave out on me before I could reach another island. And that's when I found you." I said returning his smile. "Well I'm happy I found you. Let me tell you my story. I was young when we were still fighting dragons and all I wanted to do was kill a dragon. I was very clumsy and not buff like my father. One night, I went out with a net thrower, and shot toothless down. When I went looking for him the next day, he was in the net. I was going to kill him, bringing down a night fury would of brought me so much pride and honor, yet I just couldn't bring myself to it. So I cut him out of the net, and instead of killing me, he spared me. I went home not telling anybody about my experience. I went out into the forest looking for him the next day and found him caught in a cove. I observed him and realized dragons were no threat. We formed a friendship and I fixed his tail. The problem was that I won dragon training, and had to kill a dragon and refused. I was trying to show my clan that dragons were good, but my dad didn't except it, so he he scared it and it went after me. That's when toothless saved me. My dad was very disappointed, and took toothless and went on a search for their nest. I took my friends and we got dragons to ride to the nest. We took down their oppressive queen. After that, my whole tribe accepting dragons. We were fine up until Drago Bloodfist started a dragon army. While I was looking for him, I found my long lost mother. She turned out to be a dragon trainer as well, but way more experienced. My father died in the battles we had but toothless managed to take down the evil alpha and we won. Now he is alpha and I am leader of my village." He said.
"Wow. I can't wait to join your clan." I said with a smile. "You'll love it here. Trust me. I will find a house for you and tomorrow we can start to show you around." He said as we got up and I took midnight to out new home.

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