Telling his fans (georgexreader)

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Today me and George were gonna tell his fans that we have been dating and,that we wanted to test it out and see if we would last and surprisingly we did,we lasted a year and a half.So here I am sitting in George's lap,waiting for his stream to start after a few minutes he finally started it,and once chat saw me they started going crazy asking 'is that his girlfriend' 'omg he has a girlfriend' 'guys stop that could be his sister',and things like that.Gorge sighed "hey guys,and yes this is my girlfriend we've been dating for a year and a half now,y'all are probably wondering y we didn't tell you well it's bc we wanted to see how things worked out,to see if we would last and guess what we did,and guys I'm very happy with her in my life and I'm so in love with her,bc she changed my life completely,she makes me feel loved and if I see y'all giving her any hate I don't consider y'all real fans,bc my fans would accept her,now that's all I wanted to say say so goodbye guys."he finished his speech and I was already in tears,he looked at me and his face softened "baby what's wrong"he asked "did you really mean that"I asked "baby ofc I meant it"he said and kissed my forehead "well I love you so much bubb"I said "I love you to"he said


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