Guys something happened yesterday.......

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Guys I need to tell y'all a story that happened today,so today my aunt came over bc my mom and her haven't seen each other in a long time,they then decided to invite there brother and his wife,along with his kid,so keep this in mind his wife can't walk,like at all so she sits in a wheelchair,so time skip.We we're just having fun hanging out and shit,and it was like already time to leave so,we went outside and then they were trying to help the wife get inside of the car,then she ends up falling on the floor so they try and help her up,but they couldn't so they call the paramedics,they came and tell me why,THERES A FINE ASS MAN THAT COMES OUT OF THE PARAMEDICS THINGY LIKE BITCH,ME AND MY SISTER WERE LITERALLY SIMPING,WE THEN STARTED TALKING ABOUT HIM AND WE WERE GIGGLING,AND SHIT HE THEN PUTS HIS FACE INSIDE THE WINDOW AND SAYS "why are y'all giggling"BITCH HIS VOICE WAS A LITTLE DEEP AND HE WAS SO FINE LIKE I COULD NOT,OH AND YOU KNOW HOW SOME PEOPLE COVER THERE MOUTH WHEN THEY LAUGH WELL I WAS DOING THAT SO,HE LOOKS AT ME AND SAYS "why are you covering your face"BITCH I COULDN'T ENEV SPEAK I JUST STAYED THERE LAUGHING MY ASS OFF,HE THEN GOS BACK TO HIS CONVERSATION WITH EVERYONE-ELSE,I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THIS OUT LOUD BUT I SAID "I wonder what his name is"MY LITTLE BROTHER THEN HEARS AND SAYS "I'm gonna tell the man that you you wanna know his name"THE AUDACITY HE HAS TO FUCKING TAP HIM AND SAY "hey my sister wants to know what's your name"THE MAN THEN LOOKS AT ME AND MY SISTER AND SAYS "which one"BITCH MY FUCKING BROTHER POINTS AT ME AND HE LOOKS AT ME,AND I THINK HE SMIRKS AND SAYS "why can't you ask me"GUYS NGL WHEN HE SAID THAT IT WAS KINDA HOT BUT NOT THE POINT,BITCH AT THIS POINT IM SO FUCKING EMBARRASSED THAT I WANT TO DIG MYSELF A WHOLE AND DIE IN IT,I LITERALLY LOOK AT THE FLOOR TO EMBARRASSED TO LOOK AT HIM,HE THEN CONTINUES THE CONVERSATION WITH THE GROWNUPS,THEY THEN LEAVE AND MY SISTER STARTS TEASING ME AND SHIT ABOUT IT,OH AND EVEN MY AUNT SAID HE WAS FINE,AND HE HAD DIRTY BLONDE HAIR BITCH I CANT,OH AND HES LIKE IN HIS TWENTIES SOOOOOOO BYE NOW.

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