3 - The Bully

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"No you're not." Tony said flatly.

Flash stumbled back a bit. "Huh?"

Tony looked over the class and picked out the chocolate haired one. "Peter get up here."

The teen looked up, shocked that the billionaire recognized him. He stood and made his way up to the stage, very aware of all the eyes on him. He hopped up on stage.

Flash shook himself. "There is no way that worthless Penis Parker is smart enough to work here! He's just a puny orphan! Like you would want him here! Do you know how my father is Tony? Surely you want me instead. This is ridiculous." He shoved Peter away from Tony. "Get off the stage."

Tony stood there absolutely dumbfounded. The audacity this kid had to do that in front of him, no less in front of his class and teacher. Speaking of the teacher, Tony looked to him for support on how to punish this kid. To his shook, the teacher was obviously aware of the situation but was averting his eyes from the stage. Peter noticed Stark looking at the teacher. He simply shook his head.

"He's right I'll just sit back down." Peter said quietly, trying not to bring attention to the tears in his eyes or the crack in his voice.

Tony's heart practically shattered right then and there. He kneeled down to meet the teens eyes as he was seemingly examining his trainers. "No no no kid. You stay up here."

Now Tony was mad. He turned to fLaSh. Eww. "You young man, better get the hell out of my tower. One, I'm an orphan so watch your mouth. Two, I know very well who your father is Thompson, and I don't like him much. Three, I in fact am encouraging Peter to stay here as I plan on offering him a personal intern position where he can work directly with me."

Flash stumbled back, clearly unaware actions have consequences. In fact he backed away from the angry Stark so much he fell off the stage.

Peter, who had been silently standing there willing his tears back, was shocked. "I-I get to work with you?"

"Yeah kid. Heck I'd be shocked if you weren't smarter than me." Tony smiled, real this time. He turned away from Peter and towards the class. "Welp I think that wraps up the tour. I'll be keeping Peter if you don't mind. Also Carrie," the tour guide nodded at her name, "get Peter a badge the same level as mine as well as putting Mr. Thompson and Mr. Teacher whatever his name is on the banned list."

The class was lead out and Peter was lead out by Tony in the opposite direction. After getting a hug from Ned and an eye roll from MJ of course.

"So I really get to work with you in your lab?" Peter asked Stark after they had been walking in silence for a while.

"Yep. You're pretty smart kid you know that." Tony said. He was already quite protective of the brown haired boy already.

"Cool! I already have so many ideas!" Peter said, his eyes lighting up.

"Yeah? Tell me about them."

Tony did not know what he got himself into as Pete started rambling. The billionaire tried to keep up with the teen, honest, but there was definitely a few things he didn't understand.
After another minute or two of walking, they stopped at a dark oak door.

"Is this your lab?" Peter asked puzzled.

Tony gave a light chuckle, "No. We're here to pick up my daily paperwork from my lovely girlfriend." He swung the door in.

Sitting at her desk was Pepper Potts. Without looking up from her computer she addressed Tony. "Nice to see you finally get out of your lab and I don't have to get someone to deliver these papers along with your fifth cup of coffee."

"I was actually making an appearance to a high school tour." He said, grabbing the stack of papers of her desk.

"Oh yeah? How'd it go?" She asked, still furiously typing away.

"Great, I found myself a little mentee."


"Hi Ms. Potts. Nice to meet you." Peter said in a quiet voice.

Finally the CEO looked up from her computer and met eyes with the teen. "Hi. Who might you be?"

"Peter Parker miss."

"Well Peter Parker, good luck with this one." She said, smirking at Tony. Peter gave a small laugh at Tony's fake hurt face.


Peter and Tony worked for the rest of the day in Tony's lab. At 6, Tony called it quits.

"Alright kid why don't you head home it's getting late."

"Ok Mr. Stark."

"Tony kid please. Mr. Stark makes me feel old."

Peter smirked. "Ok Mr. Stark."

Tony laughed. "Oh no I'm already rubbing off on you. Don't forget to grab your new badge from the front desk on your way out."

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