Love facts

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Oke letz get started to love factss and comment what kind of facts you guys wantt. And also thanks for lending some time to read this book and for voting:>

It only takes up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not. It is believed that it has far more to do with your body language, tone and speed of your voice rather than exactly what you say.

Philophobia is the fear of falling in love.

Oof I have that condition

Kissing for a minute can burn up to 26 calories.

Interesting 🤭

Laughter can lead to more intimacy and closeness between your partner and you.

Ooh I can use this in the future

Researchers found that couples grow to look more like each other after a certain period. The happier the couple, the closer the similarity in their physical appearance.

Wait so they will most likely to look like siblings?

Research shows that long-term couples with deep, strong connections can successfully soothe each other in stressful situations or when one of them experiences pain simply by holding hands.

Aww this is sweet🥺

Expressing gratitude towards people you love causes an immediate spike in your happiness.

I think this is the first time I get a wholesome chapter

Getting dumped often leads to “frustration attraction,” which causes an individual to love the one who dumped him or her even more.

I- what?

Couples that are either too similar or too different tend not to last very long. Apparently, there always has to be a foundation of similarities, but there also have to be things that the two of you learn from each other.

The more you know😌

People most likely fall in love with someone if they first meet in a dangerous situation.

So I have to get kidnapped or almost murdered to find the one for me?

People with high self-esteem have longer and more successful relationships.


In ancient Greece, throwing an apple at someone was done to declare one's love.

Ok I can't😆 I'm sorry but I'm just imagining some random dude throwing an apple to a woman's face and go "Y/N! I have thrown an apple to your face to show you my undying love for you!" And then a dramatic pose🤣

We are attracted to those who look and/or smell similar to one of our parents.

Should I worry or??

On average, people fall in love seven times before getting married.

So don't believe your partner when they say that you are the only one they fell in love with

Marrying your best friend eliminates the risk of divorce by over 70%, and this marriage is more likely to last a lifetime.


Statistically, men are quicker than women to say "I love you" in relationships.


Falling in love is much like taking a dose of cocaine, as both experiences affect the brain similarly and trigger a similar sensation of euphoria.

Oh so you're like doing drugs without doing drugs?

Like the moon, love also develops in phases. It starts with obsession (serotonin levels are high at this time) but then cements into a relationship or a more mature form of love (oxytocin levels are high at this time) .

And if you reject that obsessive person then they will turn into a yandere

Alsoo I am not at fault if I manage to break a couple up with these facts:))

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