Spooky facts

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Now I may or may not add some facts that will ruin your childhood soo read at your own risk😀

In older versions of Little Red Riding Hood, the girl and the wolf eat grandma together.

The beginning of this chapter is great😃

Dreams get weirder as the night wears on.

Oh so that explains why I dreamt of a flying cat twerking in front of a short dancing giraffe

In 1945, a rooster named Mike, lived 18 months without a head.

Wow super rooster

In France, you can marry a dead person.

I have mixed emotions with this

If the sun exploded right now, you wouldn't know about it for another eight minutes.


A baby was born in 2005 with a conjoined head that had no body. The head could blink and smile.

Ah hell naww that's creepy!

A 42-year-old woman in Delaware committed suicide and it was mistaken for a Halloween decoration.

Uhmm chile anyways soo-

Spiders could, theoretically, eat every human being on the planet and still be very hungry.

This just made my Arachnophobia worse

There is an optical illusion known as the 'Troxler Effect'. It has been found by psychologists that people experience optical illusions of deformation of their faces after staring at oneself for 10 minutes in the mirror.

Can someone try this and tell me what they saw?

A person can spontaneously burst into flames.

Wow science 🤯

Leonarda Cianciulli was a notorious Italian serial killer who made candy and soap out of her victims.

If I do meet her I hope she makes me into a dove soap😀

There is a haunted island in Mexico covered in dolls. Natives say the possessed dolls killed people. They also say the dolls open their eyes and move on their own.

Anyone wants to go with me?

There's a shack called 'The Devil's Toy Box' in Louisiana and people who go in there supposedly lose their minds.


You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.

Wut da fhak?😀

A man survived in a sunken ship for nearly three days - 270 feet underwater, in pitch darkness, while listening to fish eat the corpses of his shipmates.


Dead people can get goose bumps.


Sound waves can be used to make objects levitate.

Ooh superpowerrr

There's a 1-in-3 chance police will never identify your killer if you're murdered in the US.

Good thing I live elsewhere

Leeches have 32 brains.

That's soo unfair 🙄

A human head remains conscious for around 10 seconds after being decapitated.


The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

I knew dentists were evil!!

Twenty percent of children report hearing voices.

I'm having second thoughts of wanting a child in the future

The boomslang snake's venom causes you to bleed from all holes of your body.

Cool but grosssss

There are roughly 200 corpses on Mount Everest that are used as way points for climbers.


Soo uhmmm yeah this isn't as spooky as I anticipated it to be but I guess its good enoughhh

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