Internet Facts

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The Twitter bird actually has a name – Larry.

Hey Larry what's up?

Google Images was created after Jennifer Lopez wore that infamous dress at the 2000 Grammys.

Hey kween

16% to 20% of the searches Google gets each day have never been Googled before.


YouTube would never exist if it weren't for Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction at the 2004 Super Bowl.

Y'all almost all of social media would never exist if it weren't for celebs

The Amazon logo is indicating you can get everything from A to Z, that also explains the position of the arrow.


The internet is actually a bunch of cables.


The word meme is short for "mimeme" which means to imitate.


In 2016 there was approximately 7 billion people living on the planet, and over 23 billion devices connected to the Internet – that’s an average of 3 devices per person.


We now spend more time browsing the web on mobile devices than desktop computers.

True thooo

Instagram was bought by Facebook in 2012 for $1 billion dollars. At the time of its purchase, there were only 30 million users on the platform.

Damn faceboookkk you greedyyy jk

Some of the strangest devices that connect to the Internet now include; walking sticks, umbrellas, shirts, water bottles and cutlery.

Da hell?

There are seven people who hold the keys to worldwide internet security.

Who is it and where do they live? Asking for a friend👀

It’s estimated that mobile apps will generate $581.9 billion worldwide in 2020.


The average mobile Internet connection speed is less than 20Mbps. South Korea has the fastest Internet speeds with 52.4 Mbps.

Bye guys I'm moving to south Korea👋

The world record for fastest texter is held by a Brazilian teenager by 18.19 seconds.

Cellphone go brrt

The average person now spends almost 10 hours a day online.

This is to personal for me noww

Initially, Instagram was called "Burbn" like the whiskey.

Ooh Facebook should be called coke

At the height of its popularity, Flappy Bird generated an estimated $50,000 per day.

I remembered this app!!

The most played song on Spotify is "Wake Me Up" by Avicii.

*casually goes to Spotify to listen*

Even the man who created Comic Sans has only used it once.

The developer got tired from his own app😆

Google is ranked as the most popular website worldwide, with Youtube coming in second and Facebook third.

Google for the win🥳

Blue color dominates Facebook because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind.

I didn't need to know this but oh well was one of the first social network services available to the public.

I am not responsible if your phone got hacked or something cuz of you guys visiting these links

The Internet weighs as much as one strawberry.


More than 500 hours of video contents are uploaded on YouTube every minute.

Speaking if youtube you guys should subscribe to my channel😀 just kidding

There’s actually high-speed internet service on the way up to Mount Everest.

So I have to climb mount Everest to get high speed internet? Bet

Sooo if you have read every single chapter of this book and every chapter has 500+ words then congrats you wasted your time reading this book😃 just kidding I appreciate you reading this book tho

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