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You finish your pancake super fast so that you could do what you planned. Today would be the only day you could.

"I'll be back before lunch," you stuffed your feet into wellies and opened the door, "maybe."

"Excuse me young miss-"

But you slammed the door and had already started running, ever though your boots were too small and uncomfortable you kept going. You knew where you were going, last summer you spent half your time here trying to talk to your school friends.

"Phew..." You whispered to yourself as you reached the top of the relatively small hill, there were more trees than last time you were here but most of them were tiny saplings.

"Okay... Thomas." You reached for your phone in your back pocket and wiggled it out. This was the best place for signal, you were alone and had lots of great trees to hide behind as well. If Tyler found out you were going to try help Thomas, he would go nuts. He would probably start shipping you together and some up with a hashtag and tell everyone, it's not happening.

You began flicking through your contacts, you stole his number from his phone at support group that one time, you were just so intrigue by him... Almost obssesed with him.

"Hello? Thomas?"


But you could feel him, you knew he was there. And it wasn't just because you could hear his breathing or hear him knocking something over. You really just knew he was there.

"No, it's okay. Just I want- I mean, I just wanted to say hi... So er how are you? Are you alright? Actually, dont worry..." You sat with your back against a tree, just squeezing your eyes shut, repeating the words please Thomas please.

Then suddenly the google voice came through your phone, "Sorry I don't really talk much." It said plainly. Aaw. If this isn't the cutest thing in the world you didn't know what was. It took yourself a second or so to recover from the absolute adorablness ((sorry its just an shamazing word)) that you had just witnessed.

"Thomas... Please, don't worry, I just wanted to say hi..."

The robotic voice came on again, "Hi."

{Thomas Sangster} Life will get betterWhere stories live. Discover now