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Thank you sooo much!!!! I got three votes!!!!!!! EEEKKK aha but please tell me who you are coz i rly wanna give creds guys!! lysmmmmm xxxxxxxxxx


It was finally Winter break, you hadn't wanted a vacation so much in years. The fact the your only best friend had moved away and your history teacher just happened to be your arch nemisis' mom were two of the main reasons. But the real reason that you were so excited was that you were spending your winter break in the Lake house. The one place you felt home, except your too small bedroom, it always had that smell of cinnamon and your grandmas bathroom.

You were already packing even though you still had a week before you left. Tyler wanted to go to his support group before Christmas or something and your dad still had some night shifts, but you, you were going to pack and watch TV. All day. It was a dream come true.

"Hailey! I need a lift!" Your brother who had recovered (mosly) from his back accident yelled from the stairs.

"You have legs for a reason!" You screeched back checking your texts and endless fanfiction updates.

"Yeah well..." He paused, "The rain doesn't seem to like me either so... Er... Please!?" He jogged up the stairs and kicked open your door giving you puppy eyes, they lost their cuteness a while ago but at least he's trying.

You gave in, "Fine." You wrapped up in a giant scarf and parka coat before you left.


"Come on! Lets go!" Tyler yapped as you parked infront of the run down church where his support group was held. He didn't even need to go, but you thought it was sweet that he went anyway.

"No way! I don't need support. I think you can support yourself well enough!" You laughed as you got out your all time favourite book series, The Vampire Diaries. The series was a TV show but ended last year. All you could do was cry over how good looking the guys were and hope that one day something better can take it's place.

"Well, I think he might need your support," He wiggled his eyebrows to the guy that was walking in; tall, skinny and extremely familiar. He was with Tyler the other day!

"Actually..." You began, "This isn't such a bad idea."

You really wanted to know him, really. But you couldn't help but feel a little bad; you knew that he didn't talk, you knew he was gorgeous too. You grabbed your book and slipped it back into your bag, taking those nervous steps into support group was going to be hard.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I see you are all very aware that this will be the last gathering of-" the man that seemed to be leading this 'gathering' stared at you straight in the eyes and took in a deep breath. "Well, what do you know! A new comer!" He squealed and pushed you up to the front. "Tell us about yourself dear!"

"Um..." Public speaking definately wasn't your thing so you eyed Tyler searching for answers, he just grinned. You knew you were going to kill him later. "Er... So... My best  brother buddyTyler," You sent evils, "invited me today... So.. Ah.... I guess I'll be here today. Um so like yeah...." You hurried to your place on the bench next to Tyler. When you were at the front you realized that the mystery man was on the other side of him, so you leaned back a little to get a glimse of his face.  


{Thomas Sangster} Life will get betterWhere stories live. Discover now