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"Tom you sly fox! I know you and my sister are an item now. I heard her say it herself!" Tyler explained smugly over two giant pancakes. I couldn't speak though because I was completely bewildered, and maybe excited, by the idea of Hailey saying that.

It also scares the damn hell out of me.

"So you don't deny it?" He wiggled his brows and started singing loud and really out of tune, "Caaan you feeeel the love toooniiight?"

"Shut up," I whispered and nudged him before we laughed it out.

But even though it was funny, I couldn't help but think about Hailey saying that. I have three goals for today: somehow  talk to her without freaking out, ask her out - without embarrassing myself completely - and survive.


It was the weekend and you had three ambitions to make everything you said to Olivia true: actually have a boyfriend, preferably and pretty much definitely Thomas; figure out how to prove it, and you also had to get the next Vampire Diaries DVD set.

"You never had a friend-never had a friend..."

Your phone began the Aladdin song and you picked up before it could go on longer.


"Oh sorry, Thomas want to talk t-" The quick comment was followed by some sort slapping sound. What was that?


Tyler wedged his phone onto my face and before I knew it, I could hear Hailey's voice questioning the weird noises. Yeah, that's my face.

"Tyler I can't hear a thing! Are you there?"

Tyler exaggerated a sigh and yelled in an English accent, "Its me Hailey! Thomas!" I can't believe that he's doing this!

"Oh er um... Hi Hailey," I mumbled. Ugh! Why can't I just think and talk straight? Why am I freaking out because of this? This is a phone call. One simple call. Breathe.

"Hey Thomas, are you okay? You sound  super nervous," she made a little laugh before stopping abruptly and asking, "Sorry, is it me? I'm sorry! Oh okay... Urm, hello Thomas, how are you?"

I smiled, I tried to hide it but it was hopeless, "I'm good. I'm really good, you?"

"I feel like I need to slap my brother, then we can really talk."

Then, I felt hyper - like I could literally fly! But I had to stay calm, sound cool.

"Okay, see you later then."


Tyler started mouthing something to me but I couldn't tell what he was saying, something about elephants.

Hailey replied with, "Alright then."

Tyler made a funny face and then mouthed it again and I could finally read it, "Oh, I love you."

He burst out laughing and cheering, celebrating like he'd just won the World Cup.


"Oh bye." I hung up and threw his phone right into his face.

"Tyler you dick!"

Between his deep recovery breaths he chuckled, "I didn't say it, you did!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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