The Slime Villain

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(uhh...     I overslept? Anyways sorry for taking so long to get a new chapter out. Also thanks for almost 3k reads. Let's just get started.)

"KA-KACCHAN BEHIND YOU!" Izuku yelled.

The villain that was now noticed quickly moved to get Bakugo. Bakugo rolled to the left to escape the the slimy tentacle that the slime villain had sent for him. Izuku and Bakugo moved to either side of the villain to try and knock it out but another appendage was sent towards the two of them. Izuku thinking quickly summoned a bone to knock it away. Instead of doing that it went right through the slime which was swiftly reattached. Bakugo started blasting explosion after explosion after the thing but all of the damage that was done was repaired instantly. The slime launched several more tentacles at them a few managing to reach their target and wrap around Bakugo. He started struggling to get free but couldn't let out explosions for fear of hurting himself. As Bakugo was being pulled in Izuku was fighting off the tentacles sent at him he summoned more bones to combat the appendages. After getting rid of all of the ones attacking him he moved over to help Bakugo. He summoned a gaster blaster and commanded for it to fire at the slime. The lava like beam severed the tentacles that were wrapped around Bakugo and he was able to break free. Bakugo and Izuku fired their attacks at it multiple explosions and a lava beam were finally able to destroy the slime for long enough that Bakugo was able to put it in a bottle. 

Finishing that surprise followed with another. All Might appeared jumping out of the sewer. "HAVE NO FEAR FOR I AM HERE." All Might said only to see the villain being contained by two junior high students. "WELL IT SEEMS AS THOUGH THE PROBLEM HAS ALREADY BEEN DEALT WITH." All Might says as both Izuku and Bakugo look over to him. "I HOPE YOU TWO DO NOT MIND HANDING THAT VILLAIN OVER WOULD YOU." All Might yells. Izuku and Bakugo are looking at All Might with surprise and hand over the bottle containing the villain. "THE TWO OF YOU SEEM TO HAVE AMAZING POTENTIAL I HOPE YOU ARE CONSIDERING JOINING UA." All Might says. "W-we are All Might sir." Izuku stutters. "WELL THEN YOUNG HERO'S I WILL HOPEFULLY BE SEEING YOU AT UA." All Might says before leaping off to lock the villain away.

"Well that was weird." Bakugo says casually. "Yeah. Yeah it was" Izuku reply's looking back to Bakugo. "Well I think we should just go home don't you think" Izuku says. "Yep" Bakugo answers as he starts to head home.

(Well I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was most likely total crap because, I have no idea how to write fight scenes .  I was also very tempted to add majestic to half of the things involving All Might. Anyways it's now time for me to procrastinate some more so bye~)

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